Chapter 11

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Deke’s POV

I was loving life at the moment. Our football team made it to the semi-finals, my grades were good, and Kaylah was finally my girlfriend. It felt like it took forever to get here but it was well worth the wait.

I was nervous about putting it all on the line like I did, but it was totally worth it. I could now kiss and hold Kaylah whenever I wanted. I was so deep in love with her it should have been scary, especially for a guy like me that didn’t always take something like a relationship seriously, but it wasn’t. 

It was Friday once again and Kaylah would finally be wearing my jersey. I should have been pumped to play but I was more excited about seeing her in the stands with my jersey on. Girly, I know but I’m a closet romantic. I blame it on my mom making me watch chick flicks with her when I was little. Looking back on that now I realized I could have ended up taking a different path in life and instead of being in love with Kaylah, I could’ve fallen for Kane. I shuddered at the thought, not because of the boyxboy thing but because Kane would make a terrible boyfriend! I laughed at the direction my thoughts had taken causing a few of my football buddies to ask what was so funny. No way was I gonna tell them the truth so I just mumbled something about Kaylah and they turned back to their previous conversations.

We ran out and took our places on the field to warm up, well I was supposed to be warming up but instead I was searching the crowd for a familiar golden haired, hazel eyed beauty. I finally spotted her jumping up and down at the top of the bleachers trying to get my attention and I smiled proudly when I saw my Jersey on her little body.

She wore it. She was mine. And she just made me the happiest wide receiver out here!

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