Chapter 4

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We headed to our favorite burger shop and ordered our usual with a chocolate shake on the side for me because a day like today REQUIRED one!  Things were comfortable as we ate with little catch up questions here and there.  It was nice being with Deke again, he made me feel so safe and happy.  

“So, how have you been lately?” Deke blurted all of a sudden.

“Really good actually, it was hard at first but my family helped me a lot and this whole situation helped me realize I was forgetting all about my other friends since my world usually revolved around Shane and even my friendship with Cara.” I stated.

Deke got quiet for awhile and seemed to be contemplating something before he asked, “Do you still love him?”

I took a minute to think and Deke shifted in his seat awaiting my answer like it was the million dollar question, weird. “I think there’s always a part of me that will love Shane, I mean he shared so many of my firsts with me but I’m no longer in love with him if that’s what you’re asking.”

He seemed to relax and had a cute grin on his face which made me ask, “Why did you want to know that?”

“Oh no reason really I just always thought you were way too good for him and I was hoping you weren’t planning on trying to work it out.”

Wow, I never knew Deke felt this way.  It was flattering yet disconcerting all at the same time.  I used to always feel a friend zone vibe from him but with the way he was staring at me now it’s starting to feel like something else and I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that yet so I quickly changed the subject, “Ah, what are your plans for after high school?” 

I know, I know not very smooth but can you blame me I was flustered here!

Luckily Deke didn’t press the subject and answered telling me he’s already been accepted to a number of different colleges and his mom really wanted him to achieve more than a high school diploma so it was looking like more school for him.  I told him my plans to maybe take a year off and do some traveling but nothing was set in stone yet.

I was finishing up my delicious milkshake when Deke silently laughed at me.

“What?” I asked him.

“You have a little chocolate beneath your bottom lip.”  I reached up to wipe it but his hand beat me to it.  As his thumb caressed my lip I felt tingles and looked directly into his warm brown eyes.  He was staring intently at my lips and then he looked up and our gazes connected.  I was feeling too much at this moment, confusion, attraction, vulnerability, desire…it was the last one that had me quickly pulling away and taking a deep breath.  Deke’s fingers fell from my lips and he rubbed them together almost as if he felt the same tingles I did.

“We should probably go, my brothers will start wondering what’s taking me so long, you know how they are.” I rushed to say.

It seemed that Deke wanted to say something but he shook himself and agreed and we were on our way.  He drove me to my house and to my surprise waiting on the curb of our driveway were none other than Kevin and Kane.  Why were they there?

Deke stopped the car and I got out.  Kevin asked Deke if he could come in for a minute and though he looked nervous he quickly shut off his car and got out.

I shot my brother a curious look and led the way in.  As we reached the living room Deke took a seat on the couch and Kane took a seat on the recliner while Kevin remained standing.  I looked at them curiously and watched as Kane fiddled with something on the coffee table.  It was his laptop and as he turned the screen to face Deke I was greeted with the face of my third brother Keegan.

“What is going on here?”  I asked them to which they replied that I could go up to my room because I wasn’t needed here right now. I informed them where they could shove that suggestion and sat down next to Deke on the couch. Things were a little weird between Deke and I already due to our exchange earlier and I didn’t want my brothers doing anything to add to that weirdness so I was going to stay right here to control the oral diarrhea that was sure to be shot out of these morons mouths.  

I was assuming they were planning on laying into him about the whole Shane situation but I couldn’t have been more wrong as the next words left Kane’s mouth, “So what EXACTLY are your intentions towards our sister?”

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