Chapter 2

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Waking up the next morning took some effort but at least it was Saturday so there was no rush to be anywhere.  I eventually got myself together and headed off to shower.  I made sure to avoid the mirror because it was way too early for a horror show which I could probably star in right now.  The steamy shower worked wonders.  Feeling a little better, I threw on my favorite sweats and a tank top and sat on my bed preparing to face my family.  After I cried like a baby on my brother I was at least able to get out “Shane cheated!” but I knew they would want the full explanation today.  

I turned to glance at the clock, spotted my phone on the night stand and winced.  I shut it off last night when it wouldn’t stop beeping and ringing and knew it would be filled with voice and text messages full of I’m sorry’s, please forgive me’s, and can we talk pleas.  I snorted, fat chance of that happening. Images of the night before flashed in my head and a fresh set of tears began to fall.

It would make me happy if I never had to see them again but unfortunately we all went to school together so I would be forced to see them on Monday, unless I transferred schools…now there was an idea but I didn't think my mom would go for that. Our house was greatly outnumbered by men, if I were to leave my mom would drown in a sea of testosterone. That's the main reason  I didn’t have to worry that Shane would show up at my house, I was the baby sister of three older brothers.  Kevin the oldest and dad’s protégé at 23, Keegan the brilliant college student at 19, and Kane the all around jock and my twin at 17 and they were all built like pro footballers. Kevin and Keegan have black hair like my mom while Kane had honey blond hair like me and my dad and we all have my dad's hazel eyes.  Yes they are what girls consider H-O-T-T hot but to me they're just the big and sometimes irritating men in my life who I could always count on. Shane would be really stupid to step foot on our porch. 

My brothers, being the overprotective oafs they are, never liked that I was dating him but they tolerated it because he made me happy, though, now that they knew he hurt me there’s no telling what they would do! Of course I would beg them not to do anything, not for Shanes sake but for theirs. I wouldn’t want them to get in trouble for someone who isn’t even worth the effort anymore.  It was nice to fantasize about a show down between my brothers and Shane.  I could just see him peeing his pants and that thought gave me the comfort I needed to tell my family everything.

When I got downstairs they were all waiting for me.  My brothers looked angry, dad looked confused, but it was the concern and sympathy on my mothers face that brought on the waterworks.  

I didn’t think I had any left to shed after my all night crying jig and I was getting tired of being such a crybaby, I mean come on. Where is that strong confident girl I usually was.  My mom quickly enfolded me in her arms and her familiar scent of gardenias calmed me enough so that I could sit and explain what happened.  

If I thought my brothers were angry before, it was nothing compared to the murderous look in their eyes when I finished.  It was identical to that of my dad.  Keegan, who was with us via the web, was ready to fly home.  I convinced them not to do anything, just to continue to be the big brothers and father I needed now more than ever.  I knew it would be hardest for Kane since we all went to school together but he promised to try and as long as Shane stayed out of my path and his, Kane wouldn’t lay a finger on him.  

The rest of the weekend passed by in a blur.  My brothers offered to take care of my duties at the restaurant so that I could have a girls day with mom on Sunday.  We gave each other mani pedi’s, loaded up on junk food, and camped out on the couch for a movie marathon avoiding any romantic comedies of course.  By that night I finally felt a little more like myself and was confident that I could handle whatever came.


Come Monday morning what little confidence I regained disappeared.  I figured the whole school probably knew what went down on Friday, this was high school after all, and I would be forced to face it minus a boyfriend and a best friend but I still had my brother and he promised to stay with me as long as I needed him.  I wasn’t sure exactly what I would do once I saw either Shane, Cara, or Deke but I knew I didn’t want to speak to any of them.  Yeah, yeah forgiveness was good for the soul but screw that! These people hurt me in the worst way and I was not about to take the high road and ease their suffering.

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