Chapter 8

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I decided I finally let enough anger go that I could return to school and face Tanya without harming her. Just in case I made Kane promise to stay close to me and quickly put me in a choke hold if I started to lose control. 

We made our way through the schools entrance and I was glad to see Tanya was nowhere in sight. Arriving at my locker I quickly got my books and headed to class. 

I was feeling good. I didn’t realize dropping all romantic notions could be so freeing. So refreshing. So, oh who was I kidding? I was miserable but I refused to show it. I would continue to walk around as if I hadn’t a care in the world and I wasn’t the girl who’s boyfriend cheated on her and almost boyfriend shafted. I was doing a pretty good job of it too until I reached my class and saw Shane leaning on the wall beside the doorway waiting for me.

I decided to be civil, “Hello Shane, what can I do for you?” I asked politely.

“You can give up this game of making me pay for my mistakes and just take me back already.” he stated confidently.

All previous thoughts of civility flew out the window. “Screw you Shane, when I said I was done I meant it, there is no game here so grow up and run along back to Cara.”

“We’re through, it was only about the sex with her, it’s you who have my heart.” he pleaded.

Oh please, was he serious? “Well you can take it back because I don’t want it.” I grumbled distastefully.

Shane suddenly got angry and grabbed my arm, “I know this can’t be because of Deke. Word is he hooked up with Tanya last Friday night, isn’t that right? What happened, Kaylah, did he get bored as well?” 

I won’t deny I felt a flash of pain at his words but anger quickly followed and before I could think twice I pulled back and slammed my fist into his face, sometimes it pays to be the younger sister of three brothers, “Actually it was two Friday’s ago and he didn’t get bored, he just got an easier opportunity to score!” A movement to my right caught my eye and I saw it was Deke ready to come to my rescue but when he realized I had it under control he backed off but not before revealing a hurt look on his face. He must’ve heard what I say, but so what? It was the truth wasn’t it. I could see Shane’s eye start to change color and felt very satisfied with myself. I started to go into class when I was stopped by Principal Collins.

“Miss Stevens, my office, now.” he ordered.

“Oh Crap!” I muttered.

Thanks to my emmy nominated water works performance and Shane’s refusal to press charges because his pride wouldn’t let him, I got off with a weeks worth of after school detention and lunch room duties but it was worth it to see Shane’s black eye everyday!

I got through the rest of the day with no more run ins, stopped to get my detention and lunch room schedules situated, and made my way to Kane’s car to wait for the end of football practice so we could go home together.

I made my way to the parking lot and headed to the car but came to a dead stop at the sight before me. Kane’s car was covered with flowers of all kinds, streamers and balloons that said I’m sorry, and written on the windshield was, “Kaylah, Please Forgive Me!”

This was crazy! Was Deke trying to get himself killed? Kane was going to be pissed when he saw this. I couldn’t believe Deke would do something like this. I wasn’t about to give in just because he got me some flowers and balloons but I have to admit it was a sweet gesture.

I sat on the curb in front of the car and noticed the curious looks sent my way and the pictures being taken but I ignored it and chuckled to myself as I imagined Kane’s face when he saw this. It was going to be hilarious! 

I didn’t have to wait too long because a half hour later Kane emerged from the schools entrance laughing with his friends. I noticed Deke trailing behind. Kane, still laughing turned in my direction and the smile on his face died as he took in his car.

“Kaylah, what did you do?” he shouted.

“Read the message genius and you’ll realize this is not my handy work!”

“What? Then wh-, what the hell Deke?” he said when realization dawned.

Deke stepped forward, “I did it for your sister! To show how sorry I was.”

“Well goody for you except you forgot an important detail of this whole thing, THIS IS NOT HER CAR!!!” my brother was really worked up now!

“I know, and I’ll take care of all the cleaning, I’ll do it all myself too. Wash, dry, wax, I’ll even do the inside.” Deke offered.

“You’re damn right you will, you’ll have to come to our house because my baby doesn’t leave my sight, ever!” I swear boys and their toys.

“No problem, I’ll just follow you home now.” Deke said with a glimmer in his eyes.

That was way too easy, he seemed happy about this, almost as if he planned it out to work this way. NO WAY! He did this purposely so he could get a free pass to hang at our house! The smug look on his face when our eyes met confirmed my suspicion. 

That rat! What? Did he think by coming to my house standing around shirtless while I watched the water and soap collect on his body was going to make me cave in to his sexy charms and forgive him? It might….NO! Fat chance! I could be strong, as tempting as he was I wasn’t going to give in. My heart depended on it. Nice try Deke. 

Suddenly I got a brilliant idea.

“That’s perfect, you guys can go do that now. I’m going to walk over to the restaurant and see what dad needs help with since I’ll be busy the rest of the week with detention. Have fun guys!” I said smugly. A wide smile spread across my face as I noticed the disappointment on Deke’s. Nice try lover boy but I’m much smarter than you!

They got into their cars and headed off while I walked the two blocks over to our family restaurant. It was times like these that I was so happy to have this place.

While I was wiping tables and counters I couldn’t help but smile at Deke’s first attempt to win me back today. It was cute, I’ll admit, but he would have to do a whole lot more for me to even consider giving him another chance which I wasn’t planning on doing anyway but he didn’t have to know that.

If this little mission of his accomplished nothing else, at least it would be entertaining to watch. I couldn’t wait to see what he would come up with next.

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