Better Than Revenge

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Chapter 6:

Yesterday was fun. The twins had a blast bonding with the guys, and I was just happy that they were getting along. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect when I got here, and I basically hoped for the best. That turned out well. Another good thing is that I didn’t even catch a glimpse of Mirage today, and that was saying something, because I really didn’t want to see her.

The closest I came into contact with her was a phone call to Brandon midway through the photo shoot. We were basically messing around with the different costumes on display, something like the people on The Fox video. Which, by the way, is a really good song, but has completely crap lyrics. Like, a five-year-old could have come up with better.

The best part was when Brandon became a lion though. He went around attacking random camera people, slapping them upside the head with the yellow paw. I laughed my head off at their annoyed faces. After he had slapped the manager of the shoot in the head, he stopped and answered a phone call.

“Mirage,” he answered coolly. “What’s up?”

Even from my position a few feet away, I could hear her fake whine through the phone. “Brandon! I’m sorry for everything I said; you know I love you, right? Can we please get back together, please please please,” and then she burst into tears, wailing like a dying cat.

I could visibly see Brandon’s resolve crumbling like pastry, and then I swooped to his rescue. Snatching the phone from his hand, I pressed it to my ear. “Hey, Mirage.”

“Who are you,” she growled, losing the crying act immediately. “His new bimbo?”

“Oh, just an old friend,” I smiled wickedly. “Remember me, Mirage. You stay the fuck away from my boyfriend ring any bells?”

I could sense her paling over the phone as she swallowed. “Erika?”

“Yeah, that’d be me.” I grinned, even though I know she couldn’t see me. “I’m back, and I ain’t goin’ nowhere, bitch.”

“I’m so sorry for everything I ever said, Erika!” She cried out. “I was young, and I was insecure about Brandon! I love him, and I was afraid that I’d lose him to you.”

I sneered. “If you ever thought that you would lose him, it means that he was never yours.”

She was quiet after that. “I hope you can forgive me,”

I heard the insincerity and venom laced between her seemingly harmless words. “We’ll see.”

Tapping the red icon on Brandon’s phone, I tossed it back at him. “Your ex is a blast to talk to.”

“Tell me about it,” he sighed, plopping down on a nearby couch. “Every time we break up it’s the same thing, we break up, she cries, and I take her back. It’s an endless cycle and I’m really tired of it now.”

“Then why don’t you just break it off permanently?” I pressed on, frowning. She’s not a saint, and she’s not what you think, she’s an actress.

“She does awesome sex though, I have to say,” he grinned, showing off his perfect teeth.

“Brandon. I did not need to know that.” I groaned exasperatedly. She’s better known for the things that she does on a mattress.

“Remember when she used to steal your toys on the kindergarten playground back then, Eri?” Brandon mused, thumping his head into his hands. “Wonder why I was immune to her crying back then?”

Soon she’s gonna find stealing other people’s toys on the playground won’t make you any friends.

“Then lets play a game,” I smiled evilly. “Because ever since stardom, there is nothing I do better than revenge.”

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