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If any of you haven't noticed by now, i named Tyde after Troye Sivan's little brother, Tyde Levi. I figured, since i dont really like the name brandon anymore, let me change it to Tyde, since its a really cute name and all that shiz. 

Oh and another thing, I'm really sorry about my lack of updating, I've been thinking of an idea for a new story but idk. And summer's nearly over. Sads. 

So, without further ado, here is The Other Side's

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Have you ever had that feeling where you’re really freaked about something, then when you’re about to do it, you just go ahead and be like fudge it I’ll just go for it.   That’s the exact feeling I had when I was deciding whether to take Tyde to the VMA’s with me.

Since Aiden was down with the flu and Ayden couldn’t go, that left me two options. Go by myself, or, take Tyde with me. After hours upon hours of incessant nagging on his part, I finally gave in with a groan.

“Yes!” Tyde cheered childishly, leaping up onto the sofa. “I’m going to the VMA’s!”

I rolled my eyes. “There’s nothing to be excited about, there’s just a bunch of celebs and a whole lot of paps. Oh, and speaking of the paparazzi, I’m telling you that they’re going to be asking us a hell of a lot of questions about whether we’re together and why we’re going together and what our relationship is and all that jazz. Just keep your cool and tell them the truth.”

“Oh please,” he declared, leaning back on the chair. “Since when am I not cool?”

I let out a breath of exasperation and leaned back, closing my eyes. This was going to be a very interesting night.


“Erika, darling, its so nice to see you dear,” Samantha, my stylist, greeted, kissing me on the cheek as I walked in.

“Hey Sam,” I said, smiling. “It’s nice to see you too.”

“And who’s this?” She asked with polite interest, looking Tyde up and down.

“Yes, um, about that,” I began sheepishly. “Aiden’s sick today, and so I brought my best friend from back home to come with me. Can you guys give him something to wear, and kind of tell him what’s going on and stuff?”

“My, my, I would love to have eyebrows like these. Do you pluck them?” Stefan chirped, fiddling around with Tyde’s hair while Tyde himself stared him down, going cross eyed in the process. “Don’t worry, Erika. Leave it to me.”

“Have fun!” I called down the hallway as Stefan dragged Tyde away, Tyde casting me pleading looks.

“Let’s get started,” Samantha said briskly, clapping her hands together. “We don’t have all day you know.”


I emerged from the dressing room all dolled up and ready to go in a strapless, white silk knee-length dress with glittery golden swirls decorating the silken fabric and purple velvet folded over my chest in a v-shape, draping down around my thighs in a curtain over the silk.

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