White Horse

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Chapter 2:

Laughter. Giggles. Sneering. That was all I saw and heard as I entered the cafeteria on Monday afternoon.

I looked around wildly, and checked my appearance. No, I hadn’t spilled red ink down myself in art class, so I didn’t see what all the racket was about. Still, blood rushed to my cheeks and they burned as I made my way to my usual seat.

“You still have the guts to sit here?” A high-pitched, squeaky voice rang out as I neared the table.

I stopped. My heart began to pound faster and faster as I stood there, clutching the strap of my backpack.

“Oh, lets see. Can’t you see that I’m the one who understands you,” Mirage glanced up from a crumpled sheet of paper torn from my notebook. My heart fell into the pit of my stomach as I gulped. Where did she get that? Tyde! I whirled around and gazed at Tyde’s stony face. A muscle twitched in his jaw as he gritted his teeth.

Been here all along, so why can’t you see you belong with me?” She smirked. “Looks like we have a little case of unrequited love here, don’t we?”

I swallowed as the cafeteria rang out with more laughter, and a burning sensation filled my eyes. I shot a desperate look at Tyde, conveying all my shock, all my helplessness, all my need to have him save me. He stared right into my eyes, his blue irises totally unreadable. Then, with a forced movement, he shifted his gaze to the plain white surface of the lunch tables. A pang went through me, and I could physically feel my heart shattering into splinters on the linoleum. It was as if he had taken sharpened claws and slashed right into my chest. Tristan looked on, pity for my situation clearly written all over his features.

Standing by you, waiting at your back door, oh how adorable! Just like a puppy,” Mirage cooed, and the waiting tears began to roll down my face. My cheeks burned with embarrassment.

All this time, how couldyou not know baby, you belong with me!” She finished dramatically. “Well aren’t you the little songwriter. I bet this is about Tyde, isn’t it.”

I sniffed pathetically, raising a hand to smear away the rebellious tears coasting down my face.

“Tell you what, Erika,” she drawled, running a slender finger down the back of Tyde’s leather jacket. You stay the fuckaway from my boyfriend, or else.” An evil grin graced her features.

Rage filled me, and before she could react, I had stormed up to her, snatched the lyrics away from her manicured nails, and punched her in the face. “You bitch,” I whispered harshly. “You want me gone? Fine.”

I raised my head and shrieked at the entire cafeteria. “You’ll never have to see me again.”

I whirled around and fled from the now silent cafeteria, fresh tears streaming down my face, the memory of Tyde’s stony face haunting my every move.

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