You're alive?

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Aaron's POV

"Mom? Dad? You're alive? "

I couldn't believe my eyes. This had to be a dream. This couldn't be real. They were dead.

"Hi, my little Arrow. " my mom said sweetly. I laughed at the nickname my mom gave me when I was little. She said I used to zoom around the place like an arrow without a target.

"Hey, little guy. How've you been?" My dad said with a grin on his face and a shine in his eyes.

"Apparently, better than you have."

"Oh, it's not too bad. I got to meet Marilyn Monroe and Edgar Allen Poe."

"Haha cool. But you know who killed you? Did you know about my powers?

Their faces immediately straightened.

"No, Son. We do not know who killed us or what powers you do or do not have." They both said monotonely.

"Okay..freaky. Umm have you seen a girl with auburn hair and red eyes around here? Her name is Sophie."

"No." Again with the same voice.

"Really? Kinda hard to miss her, don't you think?"

No response.

"Okay, well thanks for your help, guys." I turned around and my dad appeared in front of me closing the door. The shine in his eyes disappeared and was replaced by darkness. I backed away slowly and bumped into my mother. She looked down on me and grinned creepily.

They're not my parents.
They're not my parents.
They're not my parents!

I stuck my hands out, one at each "parent." My force of wind both knocked them over where they stood. I opened the door and turned left to go get Amy when I was clawed at on my back. A single swipe. I fell to the floor. I tried to get up. My "mother's" heel dug into the claw mark on my back.

I tried to scream before passing out completely.


Sophie's POV

Cold, dark, dreary..

'Where am I? Oh, it's my bathroom.' I jiggled the handle. 'Locked, of course. With no way out.. FANTASTIC.' I thought to myself. 'What happened to my parents? Those things are NOT my parents.' I'd had enough of being put down, being made fun of, and being made a fool out of myself. They weren't they only ones hiding who they really are. I put my hands on the door and willed myself to do something, anything.
"Okay, think about creating a fireball again. It worked last time." I sent whatever energy in me straight to my hands and burnt down the door trapping me in the bathroom. As soon as I did, I saw Amy rushing down the stairs, tears streaming down her face.

"AAARRROOONN!" She cried.

I followed after her and when I got to her, I saw Aaron face down on the floor with a giant 4 clawed mark starting from his left shoulder down to his right leg. "Oh my God, Aaron."

"SOPHIE!" Amy turned to me.

"What? What? What can I do?" I said, panicking

"Get on the other side of him and kneel." I did what she asked. She spoke calmly now, with tears still streaming down her face.

"Okay, now what?"

"Give me your hands. We're going to give him power."

"How are we gonna do that?"

"I'm Water, you're Fire. Water plus fire equals smoke, which is a form of air. I'm thinking that it'll be enough to help to help him. "

"You think? How sure are you that this is gonna work?"

"It's all we have right now, so just do it."

We conjoined our hands and began focusing our power on the small of Aaron's back. I felt the warmth of my Fire and the cool of Amy's Water. It combined to make white glowing air, instead of the smoke we were expecting. We figured it was because of our powers. It wasn't long before Aaron started breathing again.

He rolled over onto his side, gasping for air. "Are...are they gone?"

"Who were they, sweetie?" Amy spoke.

"My parents....well...they looked..they looked like my parents." He groaned.

"Shifters." I looked at Amy. When I looked back down at Aaron, he was asleep.

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