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'Hello, Air Elemental. It's a pleasure to meet you.'

"Whoa...no way..." I gaped at the large black dragon. He hovered over me as he stared into my eyes.

'Haha.' He laughed heartily.

"But, I don't understand.."

'Yes, Air Elemental?'


'Why what?'

"Why we get such magnificent creatures."

'Think of us as companions. Do you ever watch Doctor Who?'

"WHAT?! How do you know about Doctor Who?"

'I've been around for many years, Air Elemental.'

"But, you literally just hatched."

'I reincarnate every time the new Elementals are found. And besides, don't you know Doctor Who is real?'


'It's true. But that's another story for another time, Air Elemental.'

"Why do you keep calling me Air Elemental?"

'Well, I have nothing else to call you.'

"What do you want to call me?"

'I don't know. You have to choose.'

"Any name?"

'Any name.'

"Well, I want something cool, but meaningful....hmm...what about Arrow?"

'That's a great name, Arrow. It suits you.'

"Thanks. Now what do I call you?"

'Whatever you like, Arrow.'

"I've always liked the name Elixyre."

'A fine name. May I ask what it means?'

"I don't know.."

'Elixyre..I like it. Thank you, Arrow.'

I stood up and dusted myself off. Elixyre circled around me.

"OH MY JESUS IN A BAG! Levi! We forgot all about him. WE NEED TO GO. NOW. "

'Who's Levi?

"He's the Earth Elemental. He was captured by this gang and shipped to Miami. We came home to figure out how we were going to get there."

I suddenly froze. An idea popped into my head.


Levi's POV



I felt lost.


Hungry on top of it all.

This wasn't right. What had happened to Aaron? Was he okay? I felt bad about lying to him. I should have told him I had a girlfriend. I shouldn't have left him like that. Even if I didn't care about him. I do care. He's beautiful. A tear dropped down my face at the thought of never seeing him or the others again. I was losing hope fast. Was I going to lose him like I lost my parents?

I couldn't

I can't give up.

It hurts.


Amy's POV

Once the others left, I stripped down to my bikini and dove into the pool. The dolphin swam around with me. I decided to have a little fun with her. I swam to the other side of the pool, pushed off and went straight down to the bottom. She followed every movement exactly. I pushed off from the bottom, straight up. I jumped in the air and dove back down like a dolphin would. She saw me and did the exact thing. I, tired, swam to the bottom of the pool and just laid down.

'Did you have fun, Water Elemental?'

I sat up quickly to see where the voice came from. I saw the dolphin looking down at me. It can't be her, can it?


'Yes, Water Elemental?'

The realization of the source of the voice shocked me and I swam back into the wall. She followed and swam closer to me.

"You....you can talk?" I stuttered.

'Telepathically, yes. Otherwise, it comes out in clicks.'

"Why did the Oracle give you to me?"

'To help you with the prophecy. I can also be used for transportation and to be honest, I had hoped we could be friends, Water Elemental.'

"Oh, that's sweet. But, can you stop calling me Water Elemental? It sounds too formal."

'What would you like me to call you?'

"Well, what's your name?"

'I don't have one.'

"How do you not have a name?"

'I don't know. Will you please give me one?'

"Sure. Hmm.. How about Aqua?"

'Aqua..it suits me. Now what will your name be?'

"I'm thinking Marina."

'Pleasure to meet you, Marina.'

I grinned at her as Aaron flew down, looking like a crazed, deranged rat. Or should I say flying rat. Something trailed behind him.


I swam up to the surface, followed by Aqua.

"Where's Sophie? We need to go get Levi!"

Just then, Sophie bounded over the fence atop her lion. Her auburn hair flowing behind her.

WAIT LION? Okay, now this is getting weird.

"You rang?" Sophie smirked.

"Great! You're here! Now, I have an idea on how we can get to Miami!" He yelled.

"You want to use our new companions."

"Yeah, how'd you know that?"

"Just a guess."







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