Come here.

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Dimitri's POV

I stormed out of the house immediately when Marina said that Arrow loved me. I couldn't deal with the lies. How can he love me when he can't even tell me the truth about Will? They must've been together at one point because otherwise I don't understand why he's being so reluctant with telling me the truth. I ran off in no particular direction and ended up at a pizza place a few blocks down from the house. I went inside and ordered myself a slice of cheese with green peppers then sat down at a booth near the window.

As soon as I sat down, I noticed a thunderstorm forming. It was hella windy too. It blew open the door to the pizza place. I looked back outside to see Arrow frantically looking for me. He looked angry and tears streamed down his face. He gripped his hair in frustration before continuing to run down the street. Worried, I stuffed the remaining amount of pizza in my mouth before chasing after him.

Arrow's POV

I ran after Dimitri before coming to a complete halt outside the front door. He was nowhere to be seen. Damn, he runs fast. Where would he go? Why would he leave in the first pla- And then it hit me. He left as soon as Marina said I loved him. Does he not love me back? Was I just a random hookup to him? He was angry about me not telling him about Will too. That must be it! I have to go tell him the truth. I ran inside the house to exit through the back door. From there, I flew up into the clouds and sped off towards the meadow where we first met. There's no way he wouldn't be there.

When I arrived at the meadow, he was nowhere in sight. I called his name out a few times and heard silence.

"The silent treatment, huh?" I yelled. "I guess I deserve that!"


Now I was getting worried. Did he really leave? He must be really angry. Hurt, I unknowingly conjured a thunderstorm over me. I didn't care. I just wanted him back. He needed to understand what happened between Will and I was nothing. It was less than nothing. I needed to find him! I ran out of the meadow and ran down the street, with the thunderstorm behind me rumbling with every pounding step. The wind became hostile as I lost control of my powers. My emotions took control of me while my sole purpose was finding Dimitri.

After running for so long, I stopped in the middle of downtown. Tears streamed down my face as I pulled my hair in frustration.


I needed to keep running, so I sped off hoping to catch up with him.

Dimitri's POV

I chased him until I was close enough so he could hear me.

"Arrow." I spoke.

He turned around suddenly and ran towards me before jumping on me, tackling me to the ground. He wrapped his arms around me, whispering apologies in my ear as he stained my shirt with his tears.

"'s okay. We need to get up. We're in the middle of the street."

He nodded slightly and stood up. I did the same and we walked over to a bench on the sidewalk. We sat down and he sniffled before speaking.

"A few months before my parents died, I was dating Will. I had known about my powers for a while and I foolishly showed Will. He wasn't surprised by it which was my first mistake. He kept wanting me to show him what I could do. It was fun at first but then he became obsessed with me. He wanted powers of his own. He began researching and I wouldn't see him for weeks at a time. Then my parents got sick and I was devastated. He finally took notice and wanted to help me anyway he could. He showed me this spell which could heal any living being of all diseases but a piece of the soul had to be ripped out. I originally thought of myself. I have powers. I could do it. Then he said he could do it for me. Apparently, in those weeks he was away, he learned everything about magic. He showed me his power. It was good magic before the spell. But I was young then and foolish. He was originally going to take the soul of a prisoner sentenced to death but I got greedy and took parts of his soul for my parents. They were running out of time. But I did the spell wrong and he died terribly. It didn't work on my parents, but they pulled through. But on the car ride home, it flipped over, and they died. I lost my parents and my first love."

Arrow concluded and walked away.

"Arrow wait."


"Come here."

He walked back over to me and I came up to him and held his face in my hands.

"Look, I understand why you did what you did. It wasn't your fault. You are not to blame. But what I don't understand is why you wouldn't just tell me."

"I was scared you would leave like everyone else."

"Arrow, I'm not going anywhere." We both smiled before I pressed my lips to his. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. The thunderstorm cleared and the wind settled as we walked back home.


Thanks to TanishaBarry for voting!


Thanks to fluffywerewolf for the vote and comment!

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*waddles away*

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