Hello my love.

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Marina POV

"So you expect me to travel by sea, Sophie-

"My name is Solaria now by the way."

"Solaria..., by land, and Aaron-"



"My name is Arrow."

"Okay, Arrow. Are there any other name changes I should know about?"

"Well, my lioness's name is-


I looked to Aqua, in the pool. She had a worried look on her face. I looked at the others and they had the same amount of confusion on their faces.

"What?" I asked Aqua.

'You must never tell anyone our names. It gives them power over us. Not even your allies.'

"Oh okay, of course."

My eyes met Solaria's and Arrow's. It seemed their companions told them the same thing.

"What was I saying again?"

'You were talking about how we were going to get Levi.'

"Right. So, Arrow by sky, Solaria by land, and I by sea? Where are we going to meet?"


"Uhh... I don't think you realize this, Arrow, but we don't know Miami as well as you do."

"Not a problem!"

"Uhhh... How?"


He disappeared into the sky and his dragon followed. A few minutes passed and I heard a voice "....the meadow...come to the meadow...."

Solaria looked up at me.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

"Yeah...that's really creepy. Do you think we should go?"


"I mean, it could be nothing and we're both crazy or it could be something and were going to have to fight our way out." I concluded.

Solaria cracked her head and knuckles.

"I'm up for a little fight. I've been feeling a little tense."

"Let's go, Amy."

"It's Marina."



Unknown POV

".....yes...go to the meadow....go to your deaths..."


Arrow's POV

I waited at the meadow to see who or what wanted to see me so badly. I was in the middle of trying to use my powers to guide the others to the park when a strange voice popped into my head. At first, I thought it was Elixyre, but I sent him into the clouds. Then, I thought it could've been my Oracle. But, I realized they can't talk to us telepathically so I crossed them off the list. Eventually, I gave up and flew here. While I waited for whoever or whatever to show up, I decided to take a nap. I went to the same spot where Levi and I had first met. I lied down near the now, almost invisible, crack in the earth where we first sparred. I ran my finger down the broken earth as I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to see nothing. Absolutely nothing. Everything was gone. The trees, the grass, and the crack in the earth. It was a white empty space. There were no sounds, no wind. I felt alone. I couldn't breathe. I tried to scream. But nothing came out. I hit my hand against the ground, but there was no sound. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Where am I?

What happened?

Am I dead?

I asked myself these questions over and over again as I roamed around the white space looking for clues as to where I was. I was about to give up when I saw a person in a black robe in the distance. I tried to scream but I remembered I lost my voice. So I ran. I tried to fly at first, but it looked like my powers didn't work here. I ran to the person. I walked up behind them and tapped them on the shoulder. They turned around and lowered their hood.

"Hello, my love. Nice to see you again."


This couldn't be happening.

He was dead.

I saw it with my own eyes.


I ran back as fast as I can, tears blurring my sight. Only to be stopped by him.




Sorry I haven't updated recently, but i was kind of in a bind with how I wanted this story to go. I know now what I want to do, so expect a new update in the near future.


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