Good Luck

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Solaria's POV

When we reached the meadow, there was a strange calmness. No singing of birds, no blowing of the leaves, and no squirrels darting from tree to tree. Just calm. I didn't like the feeling of this. I looked back at Marina and she looked uneasy.

"What's up?"

"Something feels really wrong here."

"I know what you mean, it feels off-balance kinda."

"Wait. Have you spoken to Arrow recently?"

"Not since he left, why?"

"I don't think he's with us anymore."


Arrow's POV

I looked up at the boy, now man, who destroyed my life all those years ago. I could barely speak.

"What do you want?" I said meekly.

"Oh, my love. I want nothing at all but to have what you took from me."

"What? No. No. No. It's gone. It didn't work. I'm sorry. I shook my head furiously.

"You're sorry? It used to be a part of me before you ripped it from my soul. Or do you not remember the pain you caused me? The suffering I went through? The humiliation? DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THIS?" His black eyes angered furiously as he ripped off his robe, revealing his bare chest with a large scar starting from the base of his neck to the waistband of his pants.

"It's not my fault!"

"Not your fault? Bullshit."

"My parents needed it, they were going to die!"

"I loved you. And you literally ripped the life out of me. Hoping to save your parents' life. And may I ask, where are they now?"

"They're dead.." I spoke quietly.

"They're what?" He asked.

"THEYRE DEAD, OKAY? I yelled with tears rushing down my face. I dropped to my knees. He rested his hand on my shoulder as an act of compassion. I looked up at him, surprised.

"So, then even with my life, they still didn't live?" He questioned, looking more and more concerned. Then angry. He ripped his hand away.

"So you took my life to save your parents, and it didn't even work. You wasted my life."

"If I could make it up, I would."

"Oh, but my dear, you will."


"With yours." His eyes shone black as he extended his arms out and levitated a few feet in the air. I looked everywhere for a place to escape, but there was no escape.

I was alone.

I was going to die.


Levi's POV

Shackled to my cage, I was scared and alone. My only company was the men and women Sin would bring in to "assess" me. They would look at me smugly as if they were better then me and ask "How much?" Sin would then say "5 million."
Me, worth five million dollars. He put a cost on my life as if I were something that could be bought. The men would then ask "for him, what makes him so special?" Then Sin would put a pot of dirt in front of the cage and command me to show them. In the beginning, I would refuse and deny having powers. But, I learned the hard way; that wasn't a good idea. So I decided to make beautiful, but poisonous plants grow so when the men and women would lean forward to feel the plant, to make sure it was real, they would fall ill over a few days and eventually die and I could live a little longer. It was cruel but necessary. Sin was growing tiresome of waiting. It had been 2 weeks since they captured me. I'd given up hope but I remembered all those at home waiting for me. Amy, with her blue eyes and obsession with tea. Sophie, with her red eyes and obsession with her motorcycle. And last but not least, Aaron, with his pure white eyes and obsession with penguins. I remembered the day I first met him. How cute he was with his black hair flowing in the wind and his pointy ears sticking out. I knew he was ashamed of those by the way he would always try to hide them, but I knew. Emily, my girlfriend, was never really my girlfriend. We had been friends since we were kids and we just thought it was right. We tried to kiss once, but we both decided it was too weird. But, we keep saying we're together because it's just easier. Thinking back on everyone gave me hope. I opened my eyes as they slowly adjusted to the light. It was a little hazy at first when I realized a man in a green robe was running towards me. I tried to move but then I remembered the handcuffs. As he came nearer and nearer, he became clearer. Finally, he walked up to the cage, trying to catch his breath.

"Levi.." His face looked worried and tired.

"..w-who a-are you?..." My voice had been crackly from not using it for so long.

"I'm your Oracle, Vertin. But there's no time for introductions now. Here, take this." He placed a large box inside of the cage and then dissapeared.

I looked down at the cage and heard a faint voice.

"Good Luck."



HEYYY Sorry, guys. I've been kinda busy with school lately as the semester is ending and everything. Now all the teachers want to cram projects in and everything.
Ummm.. Yeah so I hope you like it and vote and comment so yeah.


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