Let me tell you a thing

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Dimitri's POV

I listened to Arrow's story as he recanted the events that happened on the Plane. I noticed that he intentionally left out the parts about Will. He just told them that it was a dark wizard working for the witches. Which it was, so he wasn't exactly lying, but he wasn't telling the entire story and that's what bothered me.

"... So I..uh..have new powers now." Arrow spoke and I snapped my head back to attention.

"YOU WHAT?" Solaria and Marina shouted simultaneously.

"Okay. Let me tell you a thing." Arrow said nonchalantly.

"The wizard charged towards Dimitri and I just had this overwhelming fear. All I wanted was to stop it; I wanted to protect him. I guess it was so powerful that it awakened something inside me. Just then, I heard a crash of lightning. Sky's eyes began glowing and then my eyes began glowing. And it was weird cause it was gold instead the usual white. Then I turned to see the wizard hit Dimitri and I got angry and threw my hand out. Once I did, a bolt of lightning shot out and literally melted him. After, we began rising and floated to each other. On the inside, I was freaking the fuck out. It was like my body had a mind of its own."

Marina shot him a look.

"You know what I mean. Anyways, Sky and I finally met and he telepathically spoke to me, much like when we talk to our Companions. He told me that his time was up and that with him I'll be stronger. I didn't really understand at first, but I bowed out of respect. He waved back before disappearing. I felt a surge of power and then I collapsed. That's all I remember." Arrow concluded.


Arrow's POV

I looked around the room to see a wide variety of expressions. Marina looked thoughtful, Solaria was in total shock, and Dimitri looked a little pissed off but he had every right to be. I'd been keeping my history with Will from him. I turned back to Solaria when I heard a scream. And it wasn't from her..


"Um yeah I guess." I replied, unsure of what the hell was going on.

"You can control both wind and lightning now which makes you hella stronger. You've evolved, so to speak." Marina clarified

"Do we get a second power too?" Solaria asked.

"Well, we should." Marina said. " But I'm pretty sure we can only unlock it in a time of extreme emotion or a dire crisis. Like Arrow's love for Dimitri."

I blushed in embarrassment but Dimitri stood up and left. Marina and Solaria looked at me confused but I shook my head, silently telling them it's nothing. They looked worried, but backed off.

Goddamn it, Dimitri.



So I wanted to take the time to thank @lunareclipse and @prieta17 for their votes and stuff cause they're the only ones that do it from time to time.


Byeeeeeee! *waddles away*

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