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*Zhen's POV*

"m-mauna ka na kumag... S-sunod na lang ako" mahina sabi ni talunan.

I slightly raise up my right eyebrow.

"I know... Hindi kita nanay para paalalahanin pa ko sa mga dapat kong gawin.. Tss" sambit ko bago ako tuluyang lumabas.

Psh... Who told her to remind the things that i have to do? Tss...

I walk fast until i reach my room.

I lay on my bed immediately to relax myself... I close my eyes gently as i remembered the event that happened earlier.

That cat.....


Why do this memories back again?!? Why can't i heal this pain?!?

I suddenly sit up to calm myself..

I know it It's my fault! But... But after seeing a kind of cat again? ... Urggh..

The accident that i didn't wished to happen.. The accident that i know it's my fault!!

Why?...... Why i can't forget that accident?!? Why did that accident happened?

The accident that made me suffer... The accident that cause my life change. The accident.. That all i want to do is blame it to myself forever!!!

"Urrrrggghh!! "

And i know that I am the most idiot person that my brother's met.

Why? Why do i feel this way?

Everytime i remembering him, all i want to do is.. To blame myself for that accident!

Th*s is bullsh*t!

I stand up as i pulled my hair....

'I'm sorry brother.. '

Tumungo ako sa kusina para uminom ng tubig... This is the first thing that i always do after remembering that accident...


Hanggang kelan ko ba dadalhin ang kasalanan kong iyon? At hanggang kelan ko rin ba paulit ulit na isi sisi sa sarili ko na kasalanan ko kaya nangyari yun?

Tss.... Forever? Nope.... There's no FOREVER!


After i heard that sound..

Ang isang baso ng tubig na hawak ko ay bigla na lamang nahulog sa mga kamay ko

S*ck! That sound..... That sound made my body to shiver.

I clinched my fist before i faced the cat behind me.


But I'm wrong....

When i faced the kitten.

All i felt was pity... Pity for that kitten..

She has a blood on her head part..

Is she had a wound? Did she hurt? Or...

Did she...

Did she...

I come closer to the kitten...

"Where are your wounds? "

*meow *

Mr. Bully meets Ms. GangsterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon