Welcome to Mount Justice

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Dc characters. This is an oc created by me. Some of the plot is based off the original comics, but most off the canceled tv series Young Justice.

So I am Riley Winthrop. You might think that Riley is a guys name. Well it isn't. It's the perfect name for someone like me. Only right now. I'm a hero, the world knows me as Blaze. Not as Riley.

"Is everyone linked up?"

It seems like Miss Martian linked us up telepathically. You know, the little voice that just popped in my head. I'm not crazy or anything.

I look around the room. It's dark, not a problem for me though, and rather unusually quiet. My back presses against a cold and metal thing as I wait for something to move. I have a team of eight. Let's see, we have a martian, a kryptonian, two atlantians, a speedster, an archer, a magician, and an acrobat.

"Yes. So far I haven't sensed any moment. Should I move out?"

Something nudges my arm. I almost jump up, untill my wrist is grabbed. I wonder who that could be. Only one memeber can ne as slick as that. The acrobat.

"So it seems Robin was almost smacked by Blaze!"

I roll my eyes. That was the annoying Kid Flash, aka the speedster. Good man, even though he acts like a boy. He is always picking on me and Robin. In the past six months I have been on this team, Kid Flash loves to tease me the most. Apparently I become more and more out-going the more the team and him tease me. Not that I mind.

"Wally be nice to her!"

"Thanks Artemis."

Artemis the archer is his girlfriend the. She and M'gaan, hero name is Miss Martain, are some of the best friends I have ever had.

"Guys try to focus on the mission. Robin since your with Blaze, help her. M'gaan go invisible and try to scout the area. Artemis, Kidflash, and Superboy, stay on guard."

"Alright Aqua-Lad."

I look to the person who grabbed my wrist, Robin. He is really something. My best friend since I came here. Actually it was him who found me in the first place.

"It's way too quiet for a Cadmus building." I whisper over to him.

"Oh yeah. Try to stay whelmed, Blaze." Robin whipers back to me. He winks, which makes me sigh. Robin goes to Gotham Academy with me. I think he knows my identity and I know his. It just hasn't come up in a conversation. We just know.

Robin and I move from our hiding place. The lights flicker in the room, so far I notice a few lonely looking desks and filing cabinents. I go into the closest one next to me and start searching through it.

"What are you doing?" Robin asks.

"Hopefully finding some info. Doubt I will though. If this place is abandoned then all of this could be trashed expirements." I explaing. I find a file labeled as 'The Red Arrow'. I grab it.

"I just found a file about Red Arrow."

"So far that's the only thing useful here. This is a bust."

We All Grow Up (Robin/Nightwing X Oc) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now