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Dick's Point of View:

I stare at the empty side of the bed as I lay down. Riley decided to leave so she wouldn't cause any havoc in the mission. We all asked her to stay. She left in the middle of the night during the stake out. Wally was right about Luthor wanting to find her. In his lab we found a file of his relations with her.

I have a good feeling he left it out on purpose.

"Come on Dick. The meeting is today."

I get up out if the bed, already dressed, and walk out with Connor. The team is all in their undercover outfits waiting for me.

"Let's get this over with," Artemis sighs. She is upset Riley left as much as I am. All of us are, we have gotten rather close with her since we found her running around in Gotham.

A cop car was waiting outside for me. Which is wierd, because I wasn't assigned one before.

"Officer we need you up front. There was an accident last night... "

I shut the passagener door,"What type of accident?"

"A shooting. At a warehouse, we believe it was a terrorist attack."

I sit in silence as the officer drives me to the building.  It is enormous, and mostly glass. I see many press standing by the front entrance. Press is normally alowed in the conference room.

"You will be in the conference room. Do not let any one that isn't cleared." The officer parks the car near the front.

Is everyone linked up?

M'gaan's voice runs through my head as I walk to the entrance. Of course the only press who notice me is our team. Wally gives me a serious look, which is rare.

Yeah, I'm here..

I make my way through the crowd and finally enter the giant building, ignoring everyone except for one certain CEO.

Lex Luthor.

*Riley's Point of View*

I can't believe he figure me out. It's been years. Things have changed since then.

"Excuse me miss, but you seem a bit lost."

I look up to see Bruce Wayne holding out his hand.

"I don't think I am lost Mr. Wayne. Just bored," I smile at him awkwardly.

"Come on Riley. You can stay at the manor."

I follow Bruce to a limo parked in front of the airport. I had arrived back in Gotham thirty minutes ago. I would have gone home sooner if I wasn't so scared of the League's reaction. Me and my stupid scared self.

Bruce leads me to his personal car, a jeep renegade. It isn't shocking that he didn't ask Alfred to drive or anything. Bruce Wayne sees Alfred as a friend. Well everyone does.

"Luthor is after you."

I can't bring myself to look at him. He has no idea what Luthor can really pull. "That's why I had to leave."  Heavily sighing I bring myself to look at him, "It wasn't out of cowardice. If he gets me he will get the others along with me."

Bruce nods, "I understand. You felt as if the team were in danger because of you. Although, you cannot let him get under your skin. The team needs you, and you need them. Don't be afraid to do what you feel is truly right. I know that you wanted to stay, but you let your fear get the best of you."

The rest of the car ride was filled with an awkward silence. That is until I started thinking about Dick.

"Bruce?" I look to million dollar man next to me.  His eyes are focused on the rode.


"I'm worried about Dick. He seems distant. I should know, I am his best friend."

Bruce looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "I am worried about him too, Riley. He doesn't need me anymore, he will be on his own soon. I took him in and I should be the one to take him out."

"He still needs you. You might now be related by blood but you are his father.  I never thought I'd say this, but you need some parenting classes Bruce." A soft smile forms on my face.  I climb out of the car into the manor with Bruce behind me. Alfred greets us at the door,

"Miss Riley, I have a room prepared waiting for you."

"Alfred could you help me with something?"

He smiles, "Anything, Miss."

"Can you help me make a new suit?"

*I apologize for the late updating. School has got me super stressed so I haven't been able to come up with any new ideas. So if you guys have any suggestions I am more than happy to consider them.

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