I Bet You Didn't Know I Was Dangerous

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Dick's bright blue eyes stare at me with a soft gaze. I just told him everything I found out in the last day. Honestly I wanted to be mad at him for what he said, but as soon as I walked into this room I couldn't.

"Riley," Dick softly whispers. His hand brushes my cheek, "I'm so sorry for what I said. Everything you have learned and that has happened to you recently is shaping who you are. I want to be with you every step of the way if you'll let me."

I smile, "I can't be mad at you Dick Grayson. I should be very angry with you, but I know your history with Zucco. I'll let you make it up to me." I say that last sentence with amusement.

"I want to give you the world babe."

I climb onto Dick's lap, my lags wrap around his waist. We are both still in costume. Although masks off because I like to see his eyes. I like to see his entire face, as he likes to see mine. His hands are placed softly on the sides of my stomach.

"I'm not going to be that weak girl anymore."

He kisses my cheek, "You never were." Then he kisses my lips. It was soft and sweet at first, but in time it became rougher. It got more heated, like he needed it. Like I needed it. His hands moved down to my hips, gripping them so tight I could feel the bruises forming. I don't mind it, it's like his mark on me. When we break for air he gives me an apologetic look,

"I'm sorry. I don't want to go farther till you are ready."

"I'm ready," I chuckle leaning down to rest my head on his shoulder. The moment is soon ruined by my phone ringing. It's Jason.

"Yo, Jay." I answer him, getting out of Dick's lap.

"Are you at headquarters?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Ivo is causing some major trouble. We need your help. Is Dick with you?"

"Yeah we'll be right there." I place the phone down to put on my mask. "Let's go blue, we have some work to do."

*Time Skip*

"I still don't think this is Ivo guys."

"Then who else could it be?"

Kid Flash's question lingers in my head. Miss Martian linked us up once we got here to take down these trash drones. We assume it's Ivo, but Ivo has a pattern on all his work. These things are just experiments. Used to see how far the can get and how fast it takes for us to take them down.

It's just that Ivo puts more effort into this. These are like test subjects. Plus they look like clowns.

When I tell that to the team it hits me.

Okay who the heck gave the joker robots?

Once the rest of the shitty drones were destroyed we decided it was best to take the back to Mount Justice for examination. I don't know why any of us didn't notice the clown thing before. We were so stuck on Ivo we didn't think of the possibilities if them being Joker's.

"Why would the joker want drones?" Wally picks up the semi smashed head of the item. He looks at closely.

I cup my hand over my mouth, "To help him get out of Arkham." Ever since he shot Dick he was thrown back onto the Asylum. There is no sign of Harley anywhere. She kind of fell off grid right before it happened. No one really bothered looking too much for her.

"Do you think it's Harley?" Dick asks me.

"I don't know for sure, but-" I am cut off from my sentence.

"Harley doesn't seem to be part of this." Batman walks onto the room. "She normally shows herself as Joker does. Someone has to be working with him to get him out."

I stay silent. The Joker is freaking obnoxious. I want to punch that guy in the face so hard.

Dick looks from to Batman, "What do we do?"

"I will deal with the joker. You keep watch on other things. More importantly, Lex Luthor."

With thay last sentence Batman walks out. Nice.

I look to the team, "So now what?"

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