The Wing Of Night

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Well now here I am. Grappling from roof to roof in Blüdhaven. Apparently this vigilante has appeared in a few more places than just this city. The most recent sighting is from here.

I climb down into a dark alley way. A gang of cats give me low growls. They quickly scamper off as I continue to step forward.

"Well well what do we have here?"

Two men shoot up, guns in their hands with bags of money over their shoulders.

"Don't mess with us Missy!" One of the men has the guts to point his gun at me. "Don't tell me your the new vigilante!?" I hear a loud thud come from behind me.

"She isn't, but I sure hell am." A diffrent man launches forward and attacks the two thugs. He quickly knocks their guns to the ground and throws me the bags full of money. Without their guns these criminals don't put up much of a fight. In a matter of seconds they're out cold. The vigilante comes up to me.

"Blaze. I am Nightwing." A goofy grin spreads across his face. He has thick raven back hair and his costume is all back with a blue bird symbol on the front of it.

"Di-" I start to talk to him but he quickly covers my mouth.

"Not now. Let's get somewhere safe before the cops show up." Suddenly he grabs my waist and grapples away from the alley. When he lands I watch him take off his mask revealing his crystal blue eyes. Revealing the one and only Dick Grayson.

"Listen Dick I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I wasn't thinking straight and I must have just gone crazy. Well I am already crazy so I must have broke a fuse or something. I guess I am not as-" My babbling is interrupted by strong arms wrapping around my waist. Dick burys his head into the crook of my neck.

"No Riley it's not your fault. I shouldn't have said what I said to you. I want the best for you, even if that means I should stay away from you. Honestly I tried to, but I failed." My eyes widen as he mumbles. I can feel his arms get tighter. "Riley I need you more than you think."

"Dick I'm a clone. I am just a copy of the original Riley."

"No your not. You are very diffrent from her. From reading everything you put into that paper I can tell you two may have the exact same DNA, but the way you act is completely diffrent from her."

"Yeah I'm the bloodthirsty one."

Dick leans up and presses his forehead onto mine, "No you are the kind one who just wants to be loved. In your head getting rid of her was the only way to be free. You were forced into that situation. No one actually blames you. You might have been created differently but people love you. I love you."

My eyes winden, "I love you too Dick Grayson." Dick holds me tighter for another minute then he let's go. I can see mischief in his blue eyes. "No perverted thoughts!" I squeal as he places his mask back on and picks me up.

"Let's go home."

*Time Skip*

We arrived back at Mount Justice. According to Red Tornado the team was off on patrol. Apparently they were bored while waiting for us to return.

"Why are we here?" I groan and flop down onto Dick's large bed. He say on the floor with files circled around him.

"Patience little red. We can have fun later, " He wiggles his eyebrows at me and then continues to read through each stack.

"That's not what I meant!"

Dick chuckles at this. I pull out my phone. I have received a few new messages.

Jason: Did you have any luck with the vigilante??

Me: Yeah. I got him easily xD

"Sure you did, If anything I could have easily gotten you." Dick plops down on the bed next to me.

"You could not!" I stick my tongue out as he grabs my phone and places it on the ground. "That's mine."

"No, " Dick lays his head on one of the pillows and pulls me closer to him.

"Dick! I have to go cook dinner!"

Dick groans, "I am too tired." He climbs out of bed and puts his mask back on. I walk out of his bedroom and into the kitchen with him trailing behind.

"Tornado! When is the team due to be back?" Dick climbs up onto the counter. His usual mischevous smile is spread across his smug looking face.

"Do you need to know so you can advance in human affection? I don't think Batman approves of you reproducing so soon." Red Tornado whirls himself in front of both of us. My face immediately goes tomatoe red.

"That is not why he asked!"

"Or is it?" Dick inches closer to me and pats my head. "Looks like I found a new way to tease you little red." I narrow my eyes at his smug little self.

Everyone just loves to tease me. One day, Dick Grayson, you will be the one being teased.

"Ugh!" I throw my hands up in the air. "Why must you be be a-"

"An incredibly hot and amazing best friend?"

"Huh?" I scrunch my nose up at him. Honestly it hurts that he doesn't see me as his girlfriend... Maybe he isn't into me that way.

"Don't worry bout that little red. I have a plan." He whispers into my ear that makes shivers go down my spine. Now I am even more confused. I am not surprised. This is my life. A one hell of a confusing mess.

We All Grow Up (Robin/Nightwing X Oc) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now