The Bat Boys

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Dick inches close to me. His cheeks are strawberry red and his eyes are sparkling.

It's a dare. It won't mean anything, right?

I feel his fingers twirl my hair. His other hand graps my wrist as he pulls me even closer. His eyes close as he presses his warm lips onto mine. Soon I close my eyes. Not bad, he tastes like peppermint. My favorite flavor.

"Jeez Robin. Way to go hard on the girl." I hear Artemis tease. Dick immediately pulls away, embarrassed. I cover my face to keep then from seeing my flustered smile. I did enjoy it. I peer through my fingerd at Dick. He is looking down at the floor.

My phone buzzes and makes the notification sound.

Jason: Can you come now?"

Me: Sure, see you in later.

"Guys I have go." I stand up and straighten my shirt. They all look at me confused.

"Where are you going?" Tula asks

"Jason wants me to give him a chance. So...a date." I say this with sigh.

Dick gets up from his seat and storms off to the zeta tubes.

"Robin where are you going?" Wally chases after him.

Robin glances at me and then looks at Wally, "Out."

Dick's Point of View:

I can't believe he had the nerve to ask her out. I can't believe she said yes to that punk kid. I slam my fist into wall, causing it to crack.

"Master Dick, please reframe from injuring yourself." Alfred walks in and places a tray of food on my nightstand. "I hope you aren't upset about Master Jason and Miss Riley."

I look at him confused, "How did you know?"

"Master Jason was talking about it to his friends. I over heard the conversation. Riley is smart to know he is up to no good."

"He is going to pay."

"I am sure he will." Alfred walks out of the room and winks.

I look at my phone. Riley hasn't messaged me back at all. Jason has.

Jason: Missing Riley yet? She sure knows how to play around ;)

What is his deal with me!? Is this because Bruce sided with me over the whole team fiasco? Jason cannot give up a grudge.

I walk down into the batcave. Bruce sits at the computer with a focused aroma.

"Where are you going?"

I stop in my tracks. "Uh...Spying on Jason."


"He is using Riley to get to me. They are on a date." I rub the back of my neck nervously.

"That kid is going to be the death of you. He really isn't that bad."

"He could do absolutely anything to me, but he picks the girl who is already fragile enough!"

"I know Riley's past. I know Jason is using her. I also know how much you love her. You look at her differently then the other girls you have been with. Why are you holding back?"

"You don't know my life Bruce!" I give him one last glare and storm off in my Robin costume.

Where could they be. Knowing Riley she would want to go to the ice cream shop, the park, or the arcade. She is in none of those places. All the logical solutions are wrong, now I need a dumb idead.

Me: Where do you think Riley would go on her date?

Wally: She's on a date!? Jeez I'm sorry dude.

Me: Just answer the damn question Wally.

Wally: Okay okay. Burger place?

Riley hates hamburgers. If she's there than it means she isn't serious.

Me: Thanks.

Wally: Go get your girl!

I arive at the burger place, via grappling hook. Sitting outside of the building is both Jason and Riley. I do my best to get as close as I can without being seen.

"So Riley are you going to be my partner?"

"Probably not." Riley takes a French fri and eats a bite of it.

"Awe how come?"

"I don't know. I am more of an independent hero. The team is awesome though."

"What about Robin?"

I growl as he says that. Riley looks at him with a smirk.

"You or Dick?"

"Doesn't matter to me." This makes Riley smile even more. Her eyes sparkle with mischief. Jason is smiling to.

"Well lets see. Robin is someone who would never turn his back on his family. Let alone hold a grudge against them. That's the difference between you and Dick."

She really figured him out quick. I should have had a little more faith in her.

"Then you know why I am here."

"Let me guess you and Dick had another fight? Bruce sided with him?"

"Darling you know me pretty well." Jason leans over to get closer to her face.

"No your just easy to figure out. Dick is probably even more pissed at you now. Probably even mad at me for enduring you."

Jason shrugs, "I don't care. I am not a kid. He needs to learn that." Riley gets up from the table. Jason leaves some money and follows her.

"I can go by myself. This isn't even a real date anyway." Jason walks her to her motorcycle and leans close to her face. Riley turns away.

"I see now. You really do feel that way." Jason backs away and laughs. "The question is, does he?"

With that I watch Riley zoom off. Jason turns his attention to my direction.

"Come on out Dude." He crosses his arms over his chest and taps his foot. I walk out with an angry look on my face.

"You're lucky. You got the girl. Hope you treat her right," He starts to walk off.

"Wait." Jason turns his head to the side. "You actually like her?" My question makes him smile.

"Who wouldn't."

We All Grow Up (Robin/Nightwing X Oc) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now