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"Miss Riley I do hope you like your new costume." Alfred comes towards me with a covered costume.

"Alfred with your suggestions and amazing tailor work I already think it's amazing and I haven't even seen it yet." I take the costume from his hands.

"Thank you miss." He smiles, "Also Master Dick should be returning today. I do hope everything went well."

My eyes widen, "Me too Alfred. Me too." Alfred walks off. I open the zipper of the suit cover. It reveals a black leather suit with red lace piece covering my chest. On the place over my heart is a flame with the word blaze over it. I also have red leather boots.

I basically look bad ass. The suit is flame retardant because of my fire ability. Alfred also made it somewhat bullet proof and put a nice utility bealt on it for my gadgets. I might still use my cape. It makes me look awesome.


"Hi, Jason."

Jason walks up to me smiling, "I didn't think you would be here. Especially in the Batcave."

"Well someone has to fill in for you and Dick. Bruce actually picked me up from the airport. Did you tell him that I was quiting the mission?"

"No, I wasn't planning on signing you up for assassination. How are you alive!?" Jason leans in as he pokes at my face.

I slap his hand away. "What are you talking about?"

"I am just surprised that Batman wasn't angry with you."

"No..." I shift uncomfortably. Jason would just be upset that he never got a heart to heart with his adopted father and I did. "Where is Dick?"

"Looking for you."

I pick up my costume. "Well I am going to go find him before he finds me first. See you later Jay."

I walk out of the Batcave into the Zeta tube.

Recognized: Blaze BO9

I walk to Dick's room, which happens to be completely empty. I am sure he is around here somewhere..


No answer. I don't think the cave has ever been this empty.


I spin around, Dick leans against the wall with a smirk plastered on his face. "So I haven't seen you for a few days and now you're mister cool?"

"Only for you," He grabs my arm and pulls me closer. "By the way Riley, I am loving the new costume. I must say that you look very whelmed."

"Such a flirt."

Dick grabs my wrist,"Let's go on patrol. Beating up bad guys always brightens your day."

A wide smile spreads across my face, "It necer won't brighten my day. Beating anyone up is fun to be honest."

"You sure do live up to your hero name." Dick takes my hand as we walk through the zeta tube. We end up in.. Blüdhaven?

It is almost, if not equally, as shady as Gotham. Dark clouds sprung over head as if it was about to rain, but the air isn't the mix of cool before it rains. The air is cold and dry.

"Dick?" I whisper as my teeth chatter.

A visible breath flows from him "Yeah?"

"Why Blüdhaven?"

He says nothing. He just motions me on top of this rooftop. Dick Grayson what are you hiding from me.

Dick- Nightwing crouches down behind an air conditioner, not making the slightest sound.

"Have you encountered that blue bird freak yet Thomas?" A raspy voice echos through the alley way next to us. I immediately get closer to it.

A door clicks open, "Nah, but of I catch sight of him he'll be gone for sure!"

Low life criminals need more open minds.

"Thomas get the kid." A different more deeper voice booms to my ears. He almost sounds familiar. I peer over the edge of the rooftop to get a good look. Nightwing nods to me.

A girl about fifteen gets draggeg out in front of a white van. She screams, "Let go of me!"

"Not till your dad negotiates with us."

"You're disgusting!" The young teen spits blood at the man. Who curses,

"Well I was going to go easy on you, but I don't like to your attitude.," The man raises a crowbar.

That's our cue.

"Drop the crowbar now!" Nightwing jumps to the fire escape as I grapple down slowly to not be seen.

"What the f-"

The man gets knocked to the ground with a loud "omph" sound coming from him.

Nightwing chuckles, "You were going to put it down weren't you? Jeez, and here I am rushing everything. My bad."

The other two man, who have smaller physiques but more muscle, make a low growl sound. I land on top of one. My legs wrap around his kneck. He makes an attempt to peal my legs off, but quickly I flip him over which causes him to land face first on the concrete. The other man battles Nightwing between a knife and Nightwing's escrima sticks. I jump on the man's back with attempt to twist his arm till-

"Nightwing behind you!"

This chapter came out way later than I planned. Hopefully fall break next week will have me definitely working on new chapters :)

We All Grow Up (Robin/Nightwing X Oc) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now