School Sucks

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I got bored so I drew Blaze's hero outfit. Enjoy!

Dick's Point of View:

What am I going to do. Riley won't tell me anything. Jason has her caught in our fight. She needs someone there for her, but I want it to be me.


I hear a high pitched voice squeal behind me. I turn around to face a tall, tan, brunette chick.

"Hey Sammy."

The girl tugs my arm, "Come sit with me! Pretty please?"

"No I am sitting with my friend, Riley."

Samantha, or Sammy, looks at me with big green puppy dog eyes. Green eyes are nice and all, but I perfer a certain someones eletric blue eyes. I pull my arm out of the girl's grasp and walk on over to ny usual lunch spot.

"So little red, what's on your mind?"

Riley shrugs but refuses to look at me. Something is definetly wrong. I reach over and grab her journal. It's what she keeps all her writing ideas in. Drawings included.

"Give it back. " She looks at me angrily. I hold it above her head. We sit under a tree in the back corner of the court yard. It's distant from other people so we like it. No one can mess with us. No one can hurt her.

"Riley tell me what's wrong!" My voice is loud and cold. She looks at me with wide eyes. Shocked at my booming tone.

"That paper. She read it. To Artemis' class. I didn't want it to be so personal but it became that way. I don't want anyone to know. "

Tears form in her beautiful eyes. I wish I could tell her. I really do.

"Don't cry little red." I put the journal down and pull her deep into my arms. She is tense, but I can feel her loosen a little. What was in that paper?

"I have to go." She suddenly rips away from me and gathers her stuff.

"I'll see you later," I give her a reassuring smile but she ignores it.

"Probably not Dick."

I watch her walk away. Her cherry red hair flowing behind her. She always wears fingerless gloves. She has several diffrent types and colors. It was like her thing. Today she doesn't wear them at all.

"Dude that is ice cold."

I look behind me to see a certain memeber of the bat family.

"What Jason," I roll my eyes as he gives me a teasing smirk.

"Riley seems to not be as into you. Now that she is going on a date with me."

"What!?" I jump out of my seat, "You brought her in to a petty fight between brothers when she has enough to deal with on her own. Keep her out of it!"

"We aren't brothers. Stop acting like we ever were or ever will be." Jason glares knives at me and storms off.

What the hell is going on around here!?

Riley's Point of View:

I walk into the drama room. It's empty, for now, and it's the only place to really hide.

"I knew I would find you here. Dick told me what happened at lunch."

I look up to find Artemis standing over me. She sits down and sighs.

"Isn't it easier to just tell him?"

"No. I wrote that paper because she wanted something personal. She has no idea what it really means. You and Dick of course know."

Artemis looks at me bewildered, "Then tell Dick."

"He doesn't need my problems when he is struggling as it is right now. Why bring up the past?"

"We all know you can control fire. Thats no secret."

"Of course. I'd rather not discuss this"

Artemis nods. The bell rings, which means it is time for our next class.

*Time Skip*

Recognized Blaze B09

I walked into my bedroom. I am not being honest with myself. I do have powers, very unpredictable ones. I can burn people very easily. Sometimes without even trying. No one can touch me. The fact that Dick still hugs me worries me. I tried to forget my past, but when the teacher asked for a paper that is intense amd emotional I created a character that reflected me.

I reach into my bag and pull out my phone. Three new messages. Two from Dick and one from Jason.

Dick: Riley please tell me what got you so upset.

I hate seeing you like this. Please be okay.

Jason: Do you want our date to be tonight?

I ignored Dick.

It's better for him not to worry I just want to let go. I shouldn't have written that stupid paper.

I did, however, reply to Jason.

Me: Yeah. Let's meet at the burger place.

Jason: Alright then. See you then Fire-bird.

This date is pointless. I don't even consider it as a date. Just a better way to see how Jason really is.

I change into a regular outfit with my favorite fingerless gloves. The are a leather motorcycle look type ones. Fingerless gloves were what I used in my Cadmus days. Now it's just a habit.

"Hey Riley!" Connor comes running down the hallway.

"What's up?"

"We are all playing truth or dare, come play." Connor grabs my arm and pulls me to the living room. I groan, if he wasn't stronger than me I would have so ran away.

"Guys I got her!"

M'gaan squeals, "Time to play!"

Everyone sits in a circle. I feel two hands grab each of my arms and pull me down. Wally to my left and M'gaan to my right.

"Wally truth or dare?"


"I dare you to play the rest of the game in only your underwear!"

Wally face-plams. He quickly runs in place to vibrate his molecules. His clothes drop to the floor. I can't help but laugh. He sits back down with his arm crossed frustratedly.

"Robin is next!" Wally gives him a haunting look. Dick gulps and smiles nervously.


"I dare you to kiss Riley. Not just a small peck on the lips, a real kiss."

I jaw drops open, "WHAT!?!"

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