the perfect gift for twilight

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Art dancer pov
Well no I have to go and talk to Celestia but thanks to cadence all I have to do is get to the castle and go to the throne room to talk to Celestia

So when I get to canterlot I go straight to the castle and go to the throne room and bow for Celestia and so she said that do you need art dancer well I said I was talking to cadence yesterday and so I explained that we talk about and so she said you need I, new guard, to go in flash sentry place, yes and she said I will take care of it you go and get everything ready and said ok

And back to the crystal empire I go and when I go the castle I go to tall cadence what she said when I tall her what she said so she said to a guard go get a scroll please and so one left to go get the scroll and came back a few minutes later so we got everything ready to go all flash needs to do is sign in his name and it is none so I go to see flash to tall he the news when I get to his house I knock and he came to the door and said art dancer came on in so I tall him want I did and said well flash all you have to do now is sign the scroll and tall twilight

Sunset shimmer pov it is twilight's birthday party and all of her friends and family are coming and I am going to go myself to make sure it goes as planned and too tall art dancer  how it went when I get to talk to her nest I see her

So it is time for the party and I am at the door so if something goes wrong I can tall art dancer

Well I a few minutes later and it will be time for the presents and if all goes well flash well tall her our little secret

It is time and I have made a little bit closer to where everypony else is and I am looking at the time and it is a little bit past 5 and the letter for flash everypony else who should be here any second now when all of a sudden spike burp up a letter and I know it was the one I was waiting for so he gave the letter to Twilight and she started reading it out loud

Twilight's pov well I am enjoying my party when all of a sudden spike came up to me and give me a letter and it says to twilight and I unroll it and start reading out loud and to my surprise it is a letter saying that flash is going to be my personal Royal guard and course I say yes. And everyone is so happy but I was talking to everyone and when I said it is strange it is like this was set up or something

Sunset shimmer pov again all is going well when twilight's said it's strange it's like we were set up and to twilight and flash surprise pinkie said it was and said exactly everything that happened in one breath and twilight said she did what and I I needed to get out of there fast so I slowly back and so when I get to Sarah or  art dancer  house I knock on her window and she came to the window and said what happened I explained exactly what happened and she said well now what do we do she said to keep away from them for a day or so and but to surprise twilight is now at her door and so I sneak out the back way well she talk to twilight and so I go to the portal to get out of here as fast as possible and

A week later twilight write a little message that says we need to talk and I know it didn't work well so I go to see Twilight and say yes you need to see me well said twilight art dancer say you've been helping her and I said yes and she said well I wanted to know how much were you in this well I said kind of follow along well it doesn't matter now what's done is done

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