the ball

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I will tall you when to play the song
The day of the ball art dancer and sunset want to art dancer little Cottage to talk about the ball

Art dancer said ok sunset hare is my plan is You will switch the song and when twilight is at the top of the stairs I will move to lit so it is no twilight and it will got everypony insurance and when twilight is at the bottom of stairs she will see flash and have to talk to him to see how he got a invitation to ball and If they have a trouble talk to one another we will help them with not make going twilight and flash's attention

Sunset shimmer pov art's plan will work and it will funny
Art dancer pov
The day of the ball everypony is here it the castle the the music is about to start and twilight was about to the top of the stairs and I am in place and sunset is about to do her part and give DJ pony 3 the song to play and I am writing for twilight to move the lit

Play the song

Twilight's pov
I am it the top of the stairs when a lit is moved and everypony has there eyes no me it is a little bit ward to have everypony watching me I can't help but feel it was setup but I figured I was just nervous and in a little bit I am in the crowd and I see flash sentry and what is he doing here and I say flash what are you doing here And flash said I got a invitation last week and cadence said I can have the week off and I said to myself I need to talk to cadence about it and flash ask me if I would like to dance and I said yes

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