a talk with twilight

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Flash sentry pov
So after my talk with art dancer I said I will go and talk to twilight tomorrow
So the  next day I went to the castle of friendship and when i got to the door I knocked on the door and a minute later a little dragon answered the door and I said were is twilight and was told twilight is in the throne room and so I would to the throne room and said twilight and twilight looked at me and was a little bit surprise I was here
Princess twilight sparkle pov
I was working no signing some paperwork but I heard a knock on the door and said who is it and to my surprise it is flash sentry
Flash sentry pov again so I said twilight can we talk about some things and so twilight said ok

Twilight's pov again and so flash ask me if we can talk and I said yes

Flash's pov I was just wondering if you would like to maybe some time like to go no a date and twilight said yes I would love to

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