the talk about the perfect present for Twilight

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flash sentry pov will I few weeks later I get a letter from art dancer and it said it a few days it will be twilight's 22 birthday party and ask if I was going to come and what I am going to get twilight and I don't know what I am going to get her and so I go to the train station so I can go to see art dancer so when I it art dancer's house so I can talk to her when I get there knock on the door I a another Pony came to the door and I don't know who it is I ask if art dancer is in a the pony said yes but why do you ask I say will I have to discuss some stuff about a birthday party with her and I say and who are you and the pony he said he is art dancer's brother so I went to find Art dancer and when I get to a room with lots of pink I guess it is art dancer's and I say art dancer you in there because I need to talk to you and so hear some loud bumps but in a minute art dancer came to the door with a pencil in her mane and some paint splatters no her and I said can I talk to you for I minute and she said yes so when I get in her room I see artwork figures movies I see all over the place no some shelves neatly I said will I get your letter and I needed to talk to you about it because I don't have a gift for twilight and I wanted to know if you had any ideas will let me talk to her she said let me see if I can come up with anything things that twilight would like and I'll get back to you art dancer said

Art dancer's pov I have a idea of the perfect present if I can talk twilight it to wanting her own personal royal guard and if I can do that I can talk to flash about wanting to be her royal guard and where is easy I talk to cadence and see if she can help

Twilight's pov so it is a few days before my birthday party and I have talked to pinkie pie about it but I have not talked to flash about it at all and art dancer came to talk to me about some thing and so I say what is it you need

Art dancer pov so go to the castle and ask if I can talk to Twilight privately and spike said ok and I said where is she anyway and he said will twilight is in the throne room I said ok so when I get to the throne room I said twilight and she said yes what do you need and I said will I was thinking and wanted to know if you have ever thought of asking for your perusal Royal guard and twilight said will now that you mention it no I have not thought about it at all and art dancer said maybe I can help if you could choose any one who would it be and she said flash sentry and I said will I have to go to help rarity and twilight said ok I did it and it was much easier than I thought it would be
So I go and see flash sentry to talk him and when I get to his house and knock on the door and flash answered I said flash I no what to get for twilight and he said come in and talk me and so I talk him what twilight and I talk about and he said that would be a perfect surprise for her and I said I will take care of everything all you need to do is get ready to see twilight ok said flash and I go to the castle to see cadence and get to the castle and go to the throne room first and luckily for me she was there so I say princess cadence and she said yes and looked up signing something so I said will can I talk to you and she said yes so we want to the Garden to talk in private and I told her what twilight said and she said you would to surprise twilight by have flash bring twilight perusal Royal guard and I said yes but I wanted to know if you could help and she said will if you can talk to princess celestia about it to see if I can get some one To go in flash place and I said ok And i said but how well I got to talk to her well cadence said I can help you with that

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