triple trouble part 3

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Starlight glimmer pov
Well I am looking for Twilight's friends
First is rarity well I know she is at the Boutique so I go to the door and knock and fancy feathers came to the door and I said I need to talk to rarity and he said ok and so I go to her art room and see rarity and say rarity can I talk to you a minute and she said yes of course so in a couple of minutes rarity said so that is it you need well I said twilight needs everyponys help at the castle in the library in 20 minutes and so she said ok do the boys on and I said art dancer is taking them and she said ok And so I go to tall fluttershy I know she is at her house so I go to her house and knock on the door and peppermint spice come to the door and I say can I need to see fluttershy and he said yes so I go to the living room. And say fluttershy and she said yes I need to tall you something important and she said ok well I say twilight needs everypony in the castle in 20 minutes and she said ok and so know I am looking for Applejack and I know she is at the barn so I go to see applejack and so when I get to the barn I see her work on something and I say hey Applejack can I talk to you a minute and she said yes what do you need well I say twilight needs everyponys at the castle in the library in 20 minutes and so she said ok so now I have one laft rainbow dash and I think well she can be at the her house so I look their first and want luck she is on a couple of clouds at her house so I say rainbow dash I need to talk to you a minute and she said can it wait a minute I am at the best part of my book and I say well twilight said it is important so no and she said fine and come down and I said thank you know twilight needs everyponys at the castle in the library in 20 minutes and I say 20 minutes ok please it is important and she said ok ok ok and so now I am on my way to the castle myself

Author's note
I decided this other chapters will have a fourth part of the fourth power is the most exciting it will have my brothers' OC pony and my sister's oc Pony

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