triple trouble part 2

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Art dancer pov well now I am looking for the boys I know I know the boy's names so first is  pinkie pie's boyfriend vanilla bean and flash said he was going to help pinkie at sugar cube corner 
So I got to sugar cube corner and start looking around and I go to the cast managed. And ask miss cake and she said he is in the back and I said can I go talk to him and she  said he well be out in a minute a few minutes later I see I boy pony with a yellow pony with a brown mane and copper eyes come out of the back and come up and say are you art dancer and I said yes you must be vanilla bean and he said yes well I said I have been I important message for you and he said yes well I said twilight needs everypony  to be at the castle in the library in 20 minutes and he said ok and I go to find  fluttershy s boyfriend and  flash said he said he was going to be at fluttershy's College
And so I go to see to her college and knock and a pony I have never see a answered the door and I said I have an important message for a pony named peppermint spice and he said yes well I said are you peppermint spice and he said yes and I said ok well can we go somewhere because I have to tall you something and he said Ok and so we would outside and he said so what is the important message and I said twilight needs Everypony at the castle in the library in 20 minutes and he said ok 
So now I am looking for rainbow dash's boyfriend speed storm and flash said he is at a race track and the nearest one I can think of is near rainbow dash's house it is about a mile away from it so I got to the the track and start by looking around and I see in the distance a pony at the starting line and so I go a little bit closer and can see it is a boy pony with a goldish yellow body with a turquoise mane and blue eyes so I go up to him and said excuse me and he said yes well I said I have looking for a pony named speed storm and he said he's name is speed storm and I say ok and he said so what do you need well I said I am here because twilight ask me to find all the boys because twilight needs everypony at the castle in at the library in 20 minutes And he said ok I well so I start looking for preachy spices and flash said he is at sweet Apple acres helping big Mac and so I start going on me way to the farm and so when I get the the farm and so I go to see if I can see if I see somepony and I see no one so I go to see if I can ask Applejack if she knows ware to look  and I see her at the barn so I go up and say hello Applejack and she said howdy art dancer and I said hello well have you seen big Mac and she said yes and I said where is he and is he with a pony named peacey spices and she said yes how did you know his name   and I said well I tall to flash earlier and he said and she said ok and I said I have to go and she said ok and so I go to ware she said they were and so when I get close I hear voices and I know it is some boy voices so I got to the spot where the voices were I see a pony I know is peachy spices I think it is a pony with a peach body with a Brown mane and tail so I go and say hello And he said help want is your name well I am art dancer but are you peachy spices and he said yes and I said ok good I have a important message from princess twilight and he said ok And want is it well twilight needs Everypony at the castle in the library in 20 minutes and he said ok so now i have 2 more pony's to tall a pony named Fancy Feathers and a pony named fire Blaze well flash said fancy feathers is helping rarity with some dresses so I know to go to rarity s Boutique so I go up and knock on the door and to me surprise I see a boy pony with a copper body and a sky blue mane and tail and Green eyes so I say who are you and he said my name is fancy feathers and I said ok and I have a to talk to you and he said ok well I say twilight needs everyponys at the castle in 20 minutes and he said ok so I am now looking for fire Blaze and I have no  idea where to look for him so I start be looking for sunset because I know he is her boyfriend and I see her tail to  can you read me PS my sister's oc pony and I said hello and can you read me jumped and I say sorry and sunset said art dancer are you done and I said no I am looking for fire Blaze and I figured you might know ware he is and she said well yes but if you'd like I can tell him and I say no it is ok I can tell him and so sunset said well he is in the equestria girls world and I say great well I say I I have to go so I go to thee castle of friendship ADA twilight's castle to the library and I see no one is there yet so I have a chance to go through the portal
And so I go in it and to my surprise a see in front of the school a truck and it looks like it is broken down and I see a boy with red and yellow and orange hair and copper skin with i think blue eyes I can't tall that who I think is trying to figure out how to fix it and I go up and say you need a hand and he said give me a minute ok and it a minute he looks at me and I say are you fire Blaze I ask and he says yes well is a little too easy I say under my breath and I say well I need you to come with too because princess twilight needs your help And he said ok but can you tell me what is this and I say I don't think you would to not and he said ok

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