[7] SEVEN //

448 10 2

Not Now You Idiot

The sun glistening in on the water amazed Orabelle immensely, it seemed every Naboo landscape amazed the young Jedi Knight, which of course was why it was her favourite planet. The mountainscape that surrounded the island, covered in shades of green which was rare to see on any planet so far away from the Core.

"I wish every planet looked this beautiful." Orabelle sighed, resting up against the railing. The setting sun omitted an array of fuchsia and oranges in the sky, at least wherever Orabelle was she could always count on a beautiful sunset. Padme and Anakin stood behind her, watching the young Jedi who for once was dressed to look like royalty. Being Padme's guard for so long, bounty hunters and assassins would be sure to recognise Orabelle and know who she was with.

Her dress reached well beyond her own feet, which she kept tripping up from, constantly complaining she wouldn't be able to fight in it when the time came. Padme argued with the girl that hopefully, she needn't fight in the first place. That they were safe. For now. However the case Orabelle quite liked the change in wardrobe and considered dressing like this to deceive enemies, she didn't look like a Jedi Knight at all, and the only feature to give that away was her Lightsaber.

"Orabelle, come inside, I'll show you to your room." Padme gently touches her arm snapping the young Jedi out of her trance. The three make for the inside and just like the outside scenery, Orabelle was amazed by the interior of the lake house. Anakin smiled as he watched young Orabelle grin with glee and amazement as her head and eyes a danced around their surroundings. He had tried to talk to her but all his attempts were thwarted by Padme or even Orabelle herself. If she wasn't sleeping, she was heavily involved in her holobook or talking to Padme.

Anakin started to slowly get the impression that Orabelle may be ignoring him, he wasn't completely sure why but she was avoiding him like a plague. In fact, he caught her looking at him and she looked away as if it didn't even happen.

Padme walked the two down a narrow hallway, greeting many of the patrons of the building along the way. They zig-zagged until reaching a hallway with a window as the dead end. "I apologise for the confusion, it's quite easy to get lost the first time you stay. Anakin and Orabelle, these two rooms are yours, pick which one you would like. I'll be upstairs, one of the patrons is disguised as a guard so he will be walking around if you can't find me." Padme smiles with a curt nod.

"Supper is almost ready, just get settled in and meet me down in the main area." Padme continues and briskly walks away, leaving the two standing around awkwardly. Anakin turns to Orabelle, opening his mouth as if to say something but then closes. She coughs awkwardly and looks between the two rooms, not doubting that they were the same and reaches for the doorknob when Anakin finally speaks.

"Have you been avoiding me?" his question blurts out and hangs in the air momentarily giving Orabelle a few seconds to panic. She spins around swiftly, "No!- I mean- ahem- no, of course not....uh but now is not the time I can hear Padme asking for me." Orabelle blurts out in a conundrum of word vomit.

Anakin raises an eyebrow and looks around, and listens to the sheer silence. "Orabelle nobody's talking or asking for you, what's going on-."

"No- Nothing... Nothing... I am fine, why wouldn't I be fine Anakin, maybe you're the one with the problem-." She rambles on heavily, opening the door to her room, "-I'm not acting strange, this is me normally." She babbles and quickly darts into her room and slams the door. Her heart pounds in her chest as she rests her back on the door.

Avoiding Anakin quite possibly was the hardest thing Orabelle had ever had to do. Not to mention she felt incredibly terrible because she knew Anakin had no idea why she was. She could quite as easily blame Anakin for this, as he has forbidden feelings, however, Orabelle would be a hypocrite to point it out. Only now at this point does she fully blame Obi-Wan for pointing it out in the first place.

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