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I see many things, we all do, but not everything.

The Jedi were vastly outnumbered, three of those Jedi were unarmed. Orabelle was managing just fine without the Jedi weapon and seemed quite successful in mowing down droids with the spear she took from a Geonosian guard. However successful she was the Jedi were being pushed back, too outnumbered, Orabelle was driven back to the group of Jedi left standing, now back to back with Anakin and Padme unintentionally.

"It's good to have you back Bella." Padme turns to Orabelle, Anakin agreeing, "We thought we lost you." Orabelle shook her head, "you already have." She stepped away from the two and swung at the droids, hitting their heads off, or stabbing them through their powering panels. Padme and Anakin shared a worried glance at Orabelle, who seemed far from okay.

Obi-Wan and Mace Windu also share a worried glance at the young Jedi Knight, who quite literally grew weaker and weaker as she continued to fight. Her swings were slowing down, her feet dragged and she looked as if she was going to pass out. Mace feared for his late Padawan and Obi-Wan feared for his sister. Droids started to get shots in, hitting her arms, shoulder, stomach, legs. It seemed she'd given up long before they started to shoot at her.

She dropped to her knees, unable to scream unable to react to the pain because the pain was too much. Mace put a hand on Obi-Wans shoulder, "go after her, I'll handle Jango Fett." Obi-Wan was astonished, Mace Windu had allowed Obi-Wan to walk away from combat in order to help his sister, his attachment. A forbidden rule for a Jedi.

He hesitated no longer than he needed too before running to his sister's aid, "You're not allowed to give up, you don't get to give up Orabelle." Her dirty broken body laid so fragile in his arms he was afraid to move, her once white hair now tainted with dirt, blood and sweat. "I need to sleep, I'm... I'm so tired." Orabelle's soft voice was barely audible, Obi-Wan's face twitched and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Don't close your eyes, just... hold on until we get you to a medical ship." Obi-Wan pleaded almost, the reality around them no longer existed as it was just the two Kenobi's. Orabelle started to cry, she shook her head tiredly, "I can't- I can't stay awake... I love you big brother.." She closed her eyes and sunk comfortably in her brother's lap.

Anakin turned, feeling the force tremor slightly, having been completely oblivious to the two siblings behind him all he saw was Orabelle's limp body held by a hysterical Obi-Wan. "Orabelle..." Anakin repeated, dropping his weapon and running toward them and dropping down onto his knees. "No..no no no..." Anakin shakily held her head up, "she can't be dead, she can't.." Anakin murmured, his voice quiet and shaky, holding in a sob.

"Move.. get out of my way!" Padme bursts through a crowd of Jedi that watched the two, they hadn't noticed the battle ensuing from reinforcements sent. They were a part of the clone army. She stopped mid-step when she noticed what was happening, or what had happened. Her trusted body-guard, her friend, her family. Padme froze in silence as she processed the scene before her.

Jedi masters stood behind Padme, Aayla Secura, Kit Fisto and Plo Koon share a sullen silence. "Come, we must mourn our own when the time is right," Aayla Secura puts a hand on Padme's shoulder, all were fond of Orabelle but they were in the middle of a war zone.

"Right Master Secura is. Orabelle's time it is not." Yoda startles the masters and Padme, "Hurry you must. Kenobi and Skywalker I will get." His simple command had everyone, including Padme moving to a safe ship to flee the great Geonosian colosseum. Yoda walked feebly over to Anakin and Obi-Wan. "Dead she is not. Weak she is..." at the voice of Yoda, the two turned to him.

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