So many tags

155 11 45

So, I've had three people tag me with that thing where you list 13 facts about yourself. That was about a week ago, so I don't remember who those people were! But if it was you, congrats!

So now I have to list 39 facts about myself.

But first, these people: (sorry if you've already been tagged or have tagged me)
Have to go and list 13 things about themselves.
And I'm too lazy to think of more people so basically, if you read this you're tagged.

And now for my facts:

1. Chocolate

2. I have a pillow that looks and smells like a cookie

3. I painted a picture in about 3rd grade. I'm pretty sure it was about a volcano or something exploding and killing all of the dinosaurs.

4. On the topic of dinosaurs, I once dew a picture around the same time as the last fact, it started with a sketch of the beginning of the world, and through all the stages of the world to modern times. Then I drew an arrow showing the cycle repeating over and over.
If someday an asteroid hits the earth and we're all killed, then I read the future.

5. Have I mentioned I like space?

6. One of my favorite subjects in school in English.

7. Another is science. I LOVE SCIENCE. I'm gonna be in Chemistry next year while most of my classmates are still gonna be in Biology.
If I accidentally end up killing someone or burning the school down in a chemical accident don't blame me.

8. More of my favorites include is Graphic Design, Art, and Creative Writing.

9. Did you know that I like to draw?

10. When I was younger, I would only draw with a pen. Comment me if you want to see some of those drawings.

11. We have two pet ducks. Kite and Gumball. They're squishy, fluffy, and little cinnamon roles.

12. I don't like my art style. Hnng.

13. I love coloring with markers, but somewhere deep down, colored pencils will always have a special place in my heart.

14. Despite always sending 'Internet hugs,' I really don't like hugs in real life.

15. Scratch that. I meant any physical contact of any kind. Personal space.

16. I like to read. My room is practically a library. You should have seen it last year, books everywhere in the floor.

17. The ceiling in my room is covered in glow in the dark stars. I like space.

18. Guys. Why. Everything in my room is white, which is fine.
But the walls.
The walls are purple and pink and WHY.

19. I have blue headphones. Yay

20. I have a drawstring bag with Flowey on it and it's one of the most beautiful things I own.

21. I only have one Undertale shirt.

22. I have two Gravity falls shirts.

23. I have an infinite amount of shirts with puns in them.

24. My friends used to call me Tee because of all my tee-shirts.

25. Did you know that I've never finished requests before?

26. Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. But don't be a unicorn because Celestabellabethabell is a jerk.

27. I used to watch MLP

28. When I joined Wattpad, my name was AutumnZoey, because of two of our pets, Autumn and Zoey.

29. I changed my username to Autumn_Zoey_Athena_ when I got back into the Percy Jackson fandom.

30. I hate my username, but I swear that I'm emotionally attached to it. Plus, you all wouldn't like it if I changed it now.

31. You want to know my name? No. But here are the initials of my first and last name: MG

32. My age? Eh, a few million years or so. You humans are entertaining to watch nowadays.

33. I have claimed two titles during my time in Wattpad.
Queen of the Clouds
Queen of Bad Endings
I'm very proud of them even though I came up with them myself. XD

34. Why so many questions bruh. I ain't got time for dis, I need to draw more Undertale AUs and requests.

35. I secretly dead. Or am I???

36. I think I may have accidentally started a Bill Cipher club in the comments in another story.
I'm not telling you where to find it.

37. The markers I use are really weird because the ends are like paintbrushes so half the time I can't decide if I'm coloring or painting.

38. Chara and Flowey used to be my favorite Undertale characters. They now rank third and fourth, behind Sans and Gaster.

39. Did you know that this very fact listed here is the one that ends this entire, endless list of halfhearted ranting and deep hardly remembered facts. The struggle truly has been great, but I persisted through bare determination, and an open mind.
Wait, what was I talking about?
Oh yeah--

So, that finally ends that list!
There are a lot of facts that I now have and want to share, but that's for later! Probably!

Next chapter will be requests.

Also: #CharaProtectionSquad

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