Here are your Requestsssssss

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Wassap dawgs? Aza here with some great news! For the first time ever, I've actually finished requests.

Don't expect much.
I didn't add shading.
Since I haven't drawn most of these characters before, I drew some of them from about chest up. Eh.

Here's Grillbz for ya, I actually had to draw him twice before I could figure out how I wanted the fire:

Fandom_Is_Awesome11 Here's Grillbz for ya, I actually had to draw him twice before I could figure out how I wanted the fire:

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And here's your request, everyone's favorite, probably drunk, missing eyes, and awesome haired person. I present Tom:

He is not amused by this

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He is not amused by this.

Here ya go.
Why you make me draw this? Why? My emotions = Blueberry in this drawing.
I wonder why he's sad.
Papyrus probably died or something.

@IForgotThePasswordI was going to draw all of them as Catatos, but it didn't work out, I'm sorry

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I was going to draw all of them as Catatos, but it didn't work out, I'm sorry.
I did manage to draw Frisk and make it look kinda decent. To make it up to you, I'll try to draw Chara like this, and I'll probably figure out Sans eventually.

 To make it up to you, I'll try to draw Chara like this, and I'll probably figure out Sans eventually

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You wanted me to draw Max from Life is Strange, and I've never drawn her before. It was actually a lot of fun, even if I forgot to make her eyes blue.

 It was actually a lot of fun, even if I forgot to make her eyes blue

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Eh, coulda done better, but I'm okay with how they turned out.

Also, I was coloring something with a red marker, and I forgot that the ink in these new markets needs to dry, so I sat my hand on it, and when I lifted it, I had smeared the red all across the page. My hands were also covered in red. It actually looked like I murdered someone. Good job me.

Also if you like Undertale stuff or adorable stuff kinda like chibis or a lot of AUs, you're gonna like the next few chapters.

Believe me.

Trust meh.

Trust me I'm the Doctor--Wait no I didn't say that I didn't make a Doctor Who reference what.

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