Gersh dern it this fandom

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(faffreux I swear if you insult this fandom I will find you. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE. That and we go to school together anyways.)

I know I told you guys about how I started to watch Steven Universe and Danny Phantom.
But sheep.
Forget SU.
I can't escape the DP fandom.

I was warmly welcomed into it by its goofy episodes and sometimes serious plot. Now I can't escape.
I should have know this was going to happen.

So, welcome, sheep, to fanart, fanart, and then more fanart!
(Kill me)

(Also keep in mind that a lot of these are just redraws of other fanart I saw.)


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Then this happened:

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Then this happened:

Then this happened:

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For the cat Phantom I goofed up on his head

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For the cat Phantom I goofed up on his head. Aw well. *violently shrugs*

I'll post those later though.

And I may or may not be writing a fanfic for this fandom. It'll be an alternate ending for the episode Control Freaks.
C'mon, I love that episode.
This shouldn't surprise you.

Stuff I've Drawn #3 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now