Chapter Six...

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Jawariyah's POV...

Its been four days since we aren't talking. Though he tried to apologize but I never give him such time. Even I found him guilty but still I can't forget what he did to me and still I am living here.

I don't know how but he's always being polite to me with is quite surprising. He just comes from office as I serve him some food and then we disperse as he joins his study room and I watch my drama's. Sometimes he just stops me so he could apologize bit somehow I manage to escape.

Its just the evening of the forth day we didn't talk to each other. I just went upstairs in his study to give him some tea with some cookies.

I just knocked on the door and went inside but surprisingly I found him missing. He wasn't here to I decided to check in our room. I went upstairs inside the room and put the tray on the side table and as I stepped ahead I bumped into someone.

"Samad?" I blurted... As it hurt my knees.

"Thank goodness you spoke something.. Wait I'll just cancel the doctors appointment" Samad said as it bought a smile all over my face.

"I just came here for tea" I said to him as I wanted to leave the room. I moved out of the room suddenly Samad stopped in front of me and pulled me inside the room.

"Look.. I won't change.. If you rap me again and again. I won't change into some else.. I'll be the same girl.. You can't have a new body to play" I blurted as he glared me and tightened his grip over my arm.

He just pulled me into his wide chest and hugged me. He squeezed me a bit harder so even I was unable to resist.

"I'm sorry" he just said to me and I pushed him away.

"Please don't touch me.. I... I feel so uneasy" I blurted and left the room. He didn't follow me.. He just quietly stood there.

At least he said sorry to me.. For the first time.. Mr. Samad khan apologized to me.

I just went to sleep in the guest room where I had been sleeping for the rest of the days. I stepped on the bed pulled my cozy blanket and slept feeling the warmth on the bed.

The sun stood bright hitting it's light sharply in my eyes but still I kept enjoying the heavy blanket with the chilling AC. I just loved it. Cause for the first time in forever I just felt so relaxed. I don't know why but the blanket sounds a bit to heavy I just keep pulling it but I think it was stuck. What if there's a monster? I just pulled the blanket and it shouted... "Ahhhhhhh" the sound hit my ears.

"Whose this?" I asked as I slipped down from the bed hitting my head hard. "Ouch" I screamed.

"Jawariyah... You pinched my hairs" Samad complained.

"What are you doing here?" I shouted at him.

"Me?" He said as if I was talking to the walls. I just nodded.

"Oh.. Oops I am... actually" he said and left the room making me giggle.

I just went upstairs in my real room and changed into my shocking pink dress with some white designs. As I stepped out of the room I found Samad missing as even the dining table was also all clean so I thought he left for the office.

I went down to attend the ringing telephone. I just greeted with a cheer but as I heard Samad the smile vanished. He sounded a but serious as always and even I could hear a girl's voice from the background.

"Whose she?" I asked firmly.

"My girlfriend!" He added confidently.

"What? Seriously?" I yelled from the other side of phone.

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