Chapter Eleven...

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Samad was so furious at me so he just grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the hotel. I never knew where Aryan was?

The way he pushed me inside the car and drove fast was unbelievable. I have never seen him that angry. He hardly spoke a word and we nearly maintained a pin drop silence.

The way he applied his brakes as we reached home was vulnerable. He kept ringing the horn till the guards didn't open up the gates and at last they did.

"Just don't let the guy inn?" Samad barked at one of the guard and everyone knows that guy was none other than Aryan.

"No..!" I screamed but not at my extreme. I just want bum to come inn... Where would he go at this eleven in the night? Samad just tilted his face And glared me and that really kills. I just shut the hell question popping up in my mind and quietly bowed my head down light a three year old child being scolded my dad.

"Get off.!" Samad hissed loudly and don't know how my shaky hands just opened the door and my legs just jumped out of the car immediately.

"Mam... What happened to Sir" the maid asked with shaky words as she opened the main entrance door so I could step inside the house.

"I'll handle it.." I lied. I never knew how to handle it. Even I was scared more than the maid. Well I just left after giving her a comforting smile and she did the same after looking at my shivering legs.

As I turned my face to see the maid unfortunately I saw Samad stepping inside the house after parking his car at its right place. Before he could looked at me I took biggest footsteps and went upstairs in my room. With baffled thoughts I just jumped in bed and pretend to sleep.

"Jawariyah.. You never slept in these kinds of dress.. So stop pretending that you are fast asleep... That soon." He added with a smirk on his face.. I have never been good at acting and again I failed.

"Sir.. I.." I tried to explain myself but no words were coming out. I was lying in the bed to I stepped out of it ad my acting failed.

"Don't call me that" he said annoyingly and I quietly nodded.

He came closer and closer but still at good distance.. I mean at least two more people can stand between us. "Sir.. I mean Samad.. I.. Was just wondering" I started muttering in a whispering tone but audible enough for him. He just came note closer covering one persons place and kissed my cheek.

The warm lips that interacted with my skin was unforgettable. The way he came and kissed me and then his eyes looking in mines was lovely but at last hr said something.

"Samad..!" I gasped back as I felt awkward. He glared me again..

"Why didn't you say anything when he did the same thing to you?" Samad asked angrily as he kept glaring me continuously. His jaws just clinched as he was about to punch me.

Words weren't coming out when I needed them the most and at last two words came out even if I don't want to say that.. "Don't punch" I blurted with ashamed eyes.

And there he just boost up and was uncontrollable... "I won't" he said with his tightened lips and tight wrist as all his anger rests there.

"He did it" I said stupidly.

"I know that.. I had an eye over you!" He  with sudden softness in his tone.. Which sounded fake..

"How?" I dared to ask.

"The hotel you guys seek into.. Was mine.. Four months ago the manager and I signed this deal.. All I mean to say is that I am share holder of that hotel. So the receptionists called me when she saw you there.. With that guy.." He smirked after looking into my eyes.

"Oh.. By the way that guy has a name... ARYAN." I added.

"Why did you let him kiss you? What if he would have.." He questioned again but I dared to interrupt him.

"He wouldn't have" I corrected with anger boiling in me now.

"Speak slow" he barked.

"I said... I was about to yell at him bug its just that you happened... And I couldn't say something else.. Then you just.." I yelled at him.

"..Then I what?" He teased me with smirking face.. Hoping for me to reply him.

"..Nothing..." I left the room with a smile on my face but still anger was boiling up..


Life is a bitter journey... But full of joy and love.. They have some feelings for each other but don't understand it...

Stitches... Awesome song..

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