Chapter Ten...

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Jawariyah's POV....

"I'm ready" I said coming downstairs. Thankfully Samad was in his study room so I could easily change into something good as Aryan wanted to celebrate and share his happiness with me.. After all he got the project. Well at first I refused him but thinking that no one else is going to be with him in Islamabad.... I Decided to join him.

I was suppose to seek Samad's permission before leaving but I know he would be angry at me if he got to know that we are going to celebrate so I decided to stay quite.

Meanwhile Aryan just left as he started the car and I jumped inn.
We just maintained silence hardly muttered some words but still I enjoyed the ride. I just felt as something was missing.. May be Samad..!

"What is..? Where are we?" I blabbed.

"It's a candle light dinner.. " he softly said looking into my eyes as he grabbed my hand.

His dark brown hairs with silky layers were falling on his forehead as he raises his hand and pushed the hairs away. His long fingers with little hairs looked great. The huge face with tiny beard and slight moustache nicely suited his nature. The pointed nose in the middle of his two huge sparkling eyes. Those dry lips were nearly licked by his tongue making them wet and soft.

"You okay?" He asked as I was stupidly observing him continuously.

"Yeah... I am good. Let's go" I said after removing my gaze that I had on him and stepped outside the car as I went inside the hotel.

"Wow..!" I blurted as I entered the hotel. A huge lobby with number of sofa sets and a counter in the middle caught my eyes. The huge vase was perfectly kept in the middle of the lobby as two status just lead upstairs.

 The huge vase was perfectly kept in the middle of the lobby as two status just lead upstairs

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We just confirmed our reservation and joined the table perfectly decorated for a couple. I wish if Samad was here too. Whatever he did to me still I don't know but I had a soft corner for him somewhere in my heart. May be that's called love.

"What would the couple like to order?" The perfectly trained waiter asked us but I decided to interrupt him and inform him that we aren't a couple.

"Two glasses of whisky" Aryan blurted before I could correct that man and the waiter just left is alone after nodding.

"Wine? Whisky?" I questioned but he ignored and changed the topic. "We're Muslims" I added as wine is haram in Islam.

"I know I was just kidding... I already told him to bring juices after all you're pregnant too" he said and I smiled but that just reminded me of the night Samad my own husband rapped me. "Hello.. ? What are you thinking since we drove here?" He asked and I just whispered Samad's name which just snatched the smile from his happy face.

"Here's your juice Sir" the waiter interrupted and neatly placed the glasses of juice in front of us. I don't what would Samad be eating...? I didn't even cooked anything for him... And especially he hates vegetables more off the green ones.

"Samad would be hungry why don't we parcel something for him too" I added.

He didn't say anything just gulped the juice in few seconds and grabbed my hand.

He just pulled me towards the dance floor as numerous couples were dancing just colliding into each others body.

"May I" he asked bending on his knees and I just smiled and nodded. I can't refuse him. I gave my hand in his and he quickly grabbed it tightly as he was never letting me go.

He stood up and pulled me into his body as he wrapped his muscular arm around my waist and gripped my hand in his.

"Aryan. Its tickling me!" I said as I wasn't liking the closeness we had. I'm married now.

Aryan softly placed a kiss on my cheek and I was now about to yell at him. How could he?

Until that another grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. He rough hands just clinched my wrist harshly. Aryans eyes widened when he looked at that man. Still I didn't see gum as he just forcefully kissed my neck. The darkness was everywhere as only candles lighten up the situation.

"Hey.. I am married?" I softly yelled pushing him away. This wasn't a kind of place where I could comfortably yell on my outermost.

"Thank goodness you remember that.. I thought you forgot.." A familiar voice hissed back and I know it was Samad. How he just came here?

"Samad?" I softly said as the candle light hit his face. "How you came here?" I questioned.

"You're mine...!" Was his only answer to my question. Which just left me still.

Hello.. Lovelies.

I hope you are enjoying the love battles.. Keep reading and enjoying.

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