Chapter Nine...

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Aryan's POV....

I love her... I want her even if she's married to someone. I can't let her be with the beast alone. She's a sweet little sensitive girl. Full of innocence and unaware of the way Samad ditched her dad and asked for her hand and then her dad had too. I mean he wasn't left with a better option. Well he never knew he was a beast.. But still he committed to me that jawariyah will marry me not him.. I mean I loved her and still I do.

"Ahhhhhhh" jawariyah screamed in fear and I had to look at her.. I hate that movie.. That ultimately scared her.

Soon as she screamed and jumped on the bed Samad opened the door and came rushing towards her as he just grabbed her hand.

"Thank goodness...! You're here.." He just paused as he breathed out and signed in relief.. "What happened? I mean what made you scream?" He asked her.. That fake concerned eyes I hated the most. Well Jawariyah just said nothing and remained quite.

"Come with me..." He demanded as he just pulled her out of the bed and took her upstairs.

"But?" I interrupted.

"She's mine" Samad hissed back and closed the door still grabbing her hand in his.


In the morning I work up and jumped into my grey full suit as I was suppose to attend the convocation. I need to get that contract before Samad's company of else I would lose the chance of getting my Jawariyah back.

"Samad? Your omelette is ready" I heard the beautiful voice refreshing my day and went out even if she called Samad. He doesn't deserve her.. He's bloody coward who just needs money and his glowing business.

"Coming..." Samad smirked at her. He sounded confident and happy.. I don't know what happened last night between both of them.

"Jawariyah..." I said as I leaned forward to hug her and greet her. But in confounding way she stepped back and moved towards Samad as he was coming downstairs.

"I'm married" she whispered hardly audible for Samad. She just stepped back for a while and then again moved forward towards Samad... Samad grabbed her hand they both sat together beside each other on the table. Jawariyah served the omelette to Samad and then served me.

"You both sound happy" I remarked and they both gazed each other. Why did I just day that? I said myself.

"Hmm..." Jawariyah said looking into Samad's eyes. I could easily sense it that they both were grabbing each others hand under the table.

"Jawariyah the omelette is really very tasty.. I wish if I could eat it everyday" I said her with a smile and she just released Samad's hands as now both of her hands were on the table. She was just playing with her hands as a gold ring was shining on her middle finger.

"Well... I am the lucky one to have it everyday..." He laughed after smirking and that really punched my heart and I got up.

"I'll better leave.... I have a meeting to attend" I said and left after grabbing the handle of my laptop bag.

"Allah Hafiz" Jawariyah yelled and I nodded after closing the door.


Jawariyah's POV...

"Damn it...! Ahh" Samad yelled as he entered home. Well surprisingly Aryan wasn't with him.

"Samad calm down!" I softly said while running towards him.

"That bloody Aryan of yours.. Got that damn project.." He yelled at me as I just grabbed his arm gripping with mine and he pushed me away. He just went upstairs in out room and locked it up.

I kept waiting outside but didn't knock the door. An hour past away and I just quietly bend on my knees outside the door and waited. After an other half an hour the bell rung and our servant went to open the door. The boot clinched and Aryan stepped in with his grey full suit.

He just rushed towards me and hugged me as he grabbed my legs and picked me up in his arms.

"Jawani... I got the project.. Aww.. I am so excited" he said and I asked him to drop me as he still had ahold of my legs and his hands on my hips.

"Drop me" I ordered and he immediately did.

"What happened? I am so sorry" he said and I smiled at him...

"I'm pregnant" I whispered shyly. His huge eyes were widened and he stared me as if he wasn't happy with that news. I never told Samad that I was pregnant but still I need to be careful.


Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter.. May be the next ones more interesting.. Keep voting and motivating me.. All the lovely birds.

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