Chapter Eighteen...

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Samad's POV...

I an quite thankful towards God that she didn't ask for divorce anymore. I can't free her from our relation.

Well I just brushed of my sweat with my fingertips and signed the file.

"Ms.Sania we are already late for the meeting... Grab the files we're leaving..." I said as I got up from the comfy chair and walked ahead. Sania my new assistant just nodded and followed me and we both luckily arrived in time.

"Your destination is here... We are right in time as always" the driver sighed and I jumped out off the car plastering a huge fake smile. Your smile and your humble behavior can sometimes attract more than just work.

We both walked inn the huge university... 'Copperfield's university' was all the board reads. Its one of the companies that is rated more than our company... We have always been the perfect rivals with its CEO Mr. Bilal Yousuf. He's really a good looking guy.. I know he's a fraud but still I must say he is devilishly handsome.

Walking towards the reception.. We asked for the conference Hall and the right floor... This building holds up to 26 floors which is horrifying but beautiful.

"Sir we crossed the lift...! Its here" Sania politely point it out and we both stepped inn with a pin drop silence. We reached at the right floor.. No.23 and stepped in the conference hall as Mr. Bilal Yousuf caught my eyes and we both shared devilish smirks... Well I greeted all the members present their and grabbed my seat.. Being my assistant Sania just had to stand after my chair but I asked her to sit after my chair. Sania is an aged woman may be around 40 years or so.. But I didn't want her to stand after me.

"Where's your Dad? Mr. Zafar Khan?" Bilal questioned and I just passed a weak smile.

"He's out of town..." I said the truth and he just nodded.

"Sir your files..." A lady's sweet voice pricked my ears and I turned to see her.

"Jaw... Jawariyah" I popped up.

"Asalamualiakum... Sir may I help you. " jawariyah asked as if we were total strangers and secondly she's working here as an assistant to Mr. Bilal. What the hell is this?

"Help.." I said popping up the 'p'. "No thanks" I added sarcastically as it was hard to control the anger I had for her right now. What would people think that the rival companies are just sharing the same ladies? Omg!

The meeting started and everyone showed up with number of slides. It was my turn now, I could feel her eyes on me but I didn't dare to look at her.

I never thought that I won't be able to say anything in front of her.. Surrounded by numerous business man. The thing that hurt me was that she was the only lady in this room though Ms.Sania was here too but she isn't as young as her... She's 24.

Well I ended up my presentation with numerous stares in the start but thankfully it ended up with a round of applause. I gathered myself and walked towards my chair where I found Jawariyah whispering something in Mr.Bilal's ear.

I don't know how did I manage not to punch him but still I waited for gaze to break. Their gaze was so deep so I just had to cough. I waited to for Jawariyah to serve me a glass if ester but before she could make it.. Ms. Sania raised her hand with a glass of water so I took it with a smile.

"Mrs. Jawariyah Samad Khan.. Can I have some of your precious time... OUT..!" I hissed at her and all the faces turned towards us.

"She's my official wife.." I said raising my hands up blankly as the glares continued.

Well some of them laughed and others just smiled.. I turned my face towards Mr.Bilal and he was just glaring me. I just passed him a weird smile and left the conference hall signaling Jawariyah to follow me.

I left the hall and waited for her to come out and it happened within few minutes.

"There was no need to tell them that I am your wife..." She said to me as I blankly stared her.


I hope you all loved it... And enjoyed it.. It was different it at least I tried to make it different...

Poor Samad... He got stuck..!

Vote and motivate.. Love you all..

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