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Bad times bring good memories.. Still if I think about out divorce it cause goosebumps all over my body if its not waxed. Hahaha..!

Well by the grace of Allah Almighty we are blessed with two kids... Well after our patch up in Karachi we came back to our empty home sweet home and lightened it up with a baby boy. Soon after the delivery of the baby boy, Jawad. Within couple months I got pregnant and now I have that little tiny rose blossom.. My Sawayrah....

If you go deep you'll find them a mixture of our names like Samad and Jawariyah. With Jawad and Sawayrah.

Life has been a lot better now, and even though my dad finds it wrong that I moved back in with Samad and should've divorced him instead but he had apologized so many times and after we found out he was diagnosed with BPD I just couldn't leave him. His hormones were controlling him when he lost sense between right and wrong. Samad was wrong and what he did to me was wrong but the fact I couldn't leave was solely on me.

I insisted Samad and he did see a psychiatrist. Alhamdulillah the medication is helping him, he's been in control. His anger management issues have resolved a lot. We have two beautiful kids and they also look upto him. Some say people don't deserve second chances at life whereas some believe they do.

"Ami..." Jawad called me out in a wailing tone again. Sawayrah might have snatched his toy.

"Samad..? Could you just check on kids.." I requested while collecting the kitchen chores. I would have walked up myself but my hands aren't even tidy and well kids would find some time to bother Samad too...

"Jawariyah... Please" Samad yelled in a pleading tone but ultimately when I didn't respond he himself walked towards the wailing kids.

"....Jawariyah...." Samad yelled and though it was a serious tone so without wasting much time I walked straight into the living room.. Walking would be an understatement.

"What?" I sounded pretty annoyingly with some gasps.

"They pissed over the sofa again..!" He sounded like an irritated two year old baby. Even a year younger than Sawayrah and three years younger than Jawad.

"Oh my God..! Not again... My back aches while cleaning the while mess.." I fake cried over Samad's chest and he did that too.

"Jawariyah... We are not gonna let them here from now onwards" Samad claimed and I hopelessly nodded. Both kids just starred at us in a surprising way and looked confused. The smell in the sofa was unbearable.

"..Samad we have guest on list... Remember I told you last Friday that they are gonna come today... What about the sofa set now.. Home looks smelly.." I said all on a go and Samad stared at me with widened eyes...

"What guest..? Who?" He nearly shouted sadly yet more off annoyed.

"Some friends of mine with their husband and kids..." I added and to that he just nodded.

"Oh yeah... You told me.. I remember.." He said nodding. "Now what?" He shouted holding his nose to avoid the annoying smell.

"I think... Why don't we take them out or somewhere.." I popped up with an idea.

"Why don't we just try to get rid of that smell... Its diffusing really fast but still we can't spray the house... " he said.

"The smell from the sofa set won't go soon..." I added.

"No that's not a big deal.. I'll order something and we'll have all the guest in the backyard.. I am not in mood to go out today" Samad said and I just nodded.

Well I walked towards the kids and changed them into something good for the party. Before I could change into something myself Samad called me out.

"What?" I asked but there was no one in the room and the moment I stepped inn the lights went off and I yelled. Before I could have yelled further someone put his hand on my mouth.

"Shut up... Its me" Samad whispered beneath my ear and I swirled around to face him.

"You just gave me a mini hear attack" I sighed in relief.

"I got you something.." He said with a huge smile but it wasn't even comparable to mines. He just handed me a box wrapped in red with mustard coloured ribbons.

"Thank you" I beamed while opening the ribbon. I pushed the box up and well I looked at the wonderful black dress.. It was simply beautiful long dress with net sleeves. And embroidered border in the bottom.

"You liked it?" He asked with the sudden smile all over his lips. Rather than dress I was more happy to his smile. It was priceless.

"No" I replied with a dull face and sad voice. His smile vanished and he starred at me. He was about to say something but before he could say something I hugged his wrapping my arms around him. Squeezing my head into is chest. "I didn't like it I loved it" I said and now his arms were also wrapped around my waist.

"You'll never grow up" he said with a much bigger smile this time.

"I was honestly waiting for this smile..." I said and he laughed and squeezed me harder. Soon both the kids came knocking in the door. The younger daughter of mine was crying so I quickly rushed out opening the door for them.


The guests were in the backyard having food we just ordered. The chicken fried rice were on the center of the table whereas the chicken tikka were on the corners of the table. The soup was already finished sue to the chilling air outside.

I kept glancing at Samad from the middle of the chatting and he seemed pretty bored of my friend's husbands company. I slightly glared him once when hr yawned so he's trying to be careful now. The kids are on the slides and swings in our magnificent backyard. Whereas we all are just talking over clothes and kids.

"So... Salma.. You are shifting from here to Canada.. Right" Hooria asked her and she just nodded glancing at her husband.

With that we all stuffed more food in our mouth.

"Jawariyah.. I heard you were divorced Right?" Kashaf asked and I starred at her.

"Well we.. We were about to have it but that's past.." I quickly said stuffing more food in my mouth so that u wasn't able to talk now. She just nodded with a smile and I rolled my eyes away. I never wanted to think of those days they actually hurt a lot.

"Salma.. Let's go we are getting late..." Salma quickly jumped out of her chair and hugged my a good bye. She walked away quickly grabbing her kid's finger. I could see a smile appeared on his face when one couple left noe two to go...

Soon after Salma and her family others also left and the maids collected everything from outside. The kids were all messy again. Sawayrah had ketchup marks in her white dress. Jawad was crying that all his friends left. I quickly changed them into their night suit and asked them to sleep in there bed own beds. As soon as they hipped inn the covered them with their cartoon blanket. I closed the lights of there room and went back to my room.

I slowly opened the door to see the sleeping Samad trying not to wake him up. I quickly tip toed towards the washroom and made my wudu for Isha namaz.

Swinging the prayer may once I lay it on the floor and started my prayer.. Soon after ending for salahs and making dua for our health and happiness I jumped on my bed. Samad wrapped his arm around my waist and we slept wrapping our blanket.

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