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Fishlegs was in the dragon academy researching Light Fury. Sunshine was watching him with curious light blue eyes.

"She's a total Night Fury, but white..." he concluded, "Sunshine, blast!"

But Sunshine wagged tail and happily growled instead of blasting.

Fishlegs frowned.

"Ugh! Blast!"

Sunshine sat on the ground and began playing with a butterfly.

Fishlegs shook his head.

"Uh Meatlug maybe you can tell her to do what I say?" he looked at his dragon.

Meatlug quietly grizzled and looked at him, giving him a sign that she could do nothing.

"Having problems, hein?" Fishlegs suddenly heard a beautiful voice, "A dragon doesn't listen to a famous dragon researcher?"

Fishlegs surprisedly looked aside and soon smiled – he saw how Helga approached him.

"Yeah I seem to be having some problems... I can deal with it though," he scratched the back of his head, blushing.

"This dragon species needs to show them you're their friend, as for every dragon," smiled Helga, "You'd better call Hiccup. He is an expert in Fury types".

"Yeah but he's a chief now, he has no time for dragon training anymore..."

"A good chief should have time for both the people and the dragons, as both of them are the population of Berk," smiled Helga, "Call him, he will come".

"Alright," Fishlegs smiled back, and sat onto Meatlug, flying out of the academy to call the chief.

Soon he got back bringing Hiccup and Toothless. Hiccup giggled seeing Helga.

"What, you have already called for help but didn't get it?" he asked Fishlegs.

"Actually, I didn't intend to help him at all, I just suggested to straightly call you," Helga smirked, "As you seem to be a genius in Fury type dragons".

"Well, let's try," smiled Hiccup, "Sunshine, blast!" he ordered to the dragon.

But Sunshine was playing with the butterfly still, not giving a pin for his words.

Toothless frowned, seeing disobedience of this dragon to his friend, so he growled.

Sunshine got scared hearing the growl of the alpha and looked back, her eyes turning reptile-like - small, and deadly. She hissed and stood in a fighting position.

Toothless snarled and stood in the same position as Sunshine, lifting up his wings and having his tail ready. His spine glowed blue.

"Uh oh..." Hiccup and Fishlegs sensed the danger.

And oh, my, suddenly the Light Fury's spine glowed yellow!

Fishlegs and Hiccup gasped.

"She has the same powers as Toothless!" cried Fishlegs.

"I don't like this..." Hiccup murmured.

"Oh my, looks like genius caused trouble," Helga giggled.

Hiccup puckered at her.

The Furies growled at each other and the Light Fury blasted yellow plasma. Toothless blasted blue one, and they would soon collide, but Helga's dragon, Wisdom Fire species, named Bloodwing, stood in between them, raised her wings and parried both blasts, sending them up to the sky and growling, giving a sign to the Furies to stop.

But the Light Fury didn't surrender. She jumped over Bloodwing, bit Toothless on leg, and then swung her wings and flew up. Toothless, incensed that this simple dragon dare to bite him, the alpha, terribly bellowed and grabbed startled Hiccup, putting him onto his back and growling, ordering him to help him fly up.

"Wow, bud, what's wrong with you?" Hiccup was worried.

Toothless growled again, now more strictly. Hiccup gulped and put his foot on the pedal, letting the dragon fly up high.

Toothless accelerated his speed and went straight after Sunshine. This latter was looking at him from the front and examining the distance between them, also accelerating her speed herself, her eyes being reptile-like. She wanted to teach this 'glorious' alpha a good lesson...

Hiccup was shrieking, barely restraining himself on the raged dragon's back.

"We should help him, he might get hurt!" Astrid cried.

"No, let us watch," Tuffnut grinned.

"Yeah, such a delightful show..." Ruffnut smiled.

"Uh come on guys, hurry!" Astrid frowned and jumped onto her dragon, "Stormfly, up!"

Instantly Stormfly squealed and flew up, other guys on their dragons following her and Astrid.

"Toothless, stop! Don't be insane!" Hiccup cried, started.

Toothless snarled and hastened his speed even more.

Sunshine flew towards cliffs. Toothless went straight after her. Astrid gasped.

"Oh no, Hiccup!" she cried.

Sunshine flew under, over, and around the cliffs, making Toothless confused, who was chasing her ragedly. The Light Fury seemed to be very cunning, making the Night Fury more raged, and more tired.

Soon she flew up to a huge cliff, and then suddenly she turned around and blasted yellow plasma!

Toothless and Hiccup widened eyes. Toothless was startled and he got hit, falling down into the sea. Hiccup fell off his back and shrieked.

But he fell onto something soft. It was Stormfly's back.

"Got you!" Astrid smiled.

"Thank you, dear," Hiccup smiled back, sighing from relief. But then he widened eyes and looked down at the sea: "Toothless?" he looked back at Astrid, "We should save him!"

"Stormfly, dive down!" Astrid ordered.

Stormfly squealed and flew down.

Toothless fell into the sea, swimming up on the surface and struggling to fly up, but not succeeding as he didn't have rider on his back. He looked miserable.

When Stormfly approached Toothless Hiccup jumped down and sat onto his back, helping him to fly up.

Sunshine growled from above and flew away to the north.

Toothless angrily bellowed at her, giving her a sign to never come back.

The friends returned to Berk.

When they put their foot to the ground, Hiccup frowned at Toothless.

"You nearly killed me Toothless! I'm really disappointed! I couldn't even imagine such behaviour from you! You're a very bad dragon!"

Toothless miserably shriveled and softly purred in a dragon voice.

"I don't care who started it Toothless, you shouldn't have engaged in this conflict in such a way! I had everything under control before you cut in!" Hiccup was in indignation.

"Yeah, Sunshine was indeed listening to you," Helga chuckled.

Hiccup puckered at her.

Toothless saddened and entered his den in Hiccup's house.

Astrid sighed.

"I think you were too harsh Hiccup..."

"Ugh he will get over with it..." Hiccup frowned, "And besides, I was right..."

"But now that new species is gone..." Fishlegs sighed.

"Maybe it's even better for us, that dragon was extremely disobedient and would bring only problems to our village," Hiccup frowned and entered his house.

The friends looked at each other, saddened, and disbanded. 

Hiccup and Toothless: Mystery of the FuryWhere stories live. Discover now