Wings [AU]

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Matthew liked to lean on the railing of his balcony and watch the sunset.
He liked to grab a can of Diet Coke and look past the glass to see the canvas of bleeding shades of red, blue, pink, orange, and yellow.
He loved listening carefully for the creatures of the night coming to life, crickets and cicadas, owls, other birds that he didn't quite know or understand.
There was a thud in his backyard.
His feet hurried down his stairs at an impressive rate.
That couldn't have possibly been anything but human, just by the density of the sound alone.
What had happened was beyond him. Maybe a neighbor tried to jump off their roof and landed in his garden somehow.
Well, in any case, he was about to find out.
He jumped the last two steps, hurrying past his sliding glass door to find, as he suspected, a human form.
What he hadn't suspected were the white feathery wings, pure and glistening a tinted blue in the light, protruding from their back.
"...Excuse me?" He asked cautiously, standing on the platform separating the inside of his house from the backyard.
The person, the Angel, whatever they were, twitched a wing.
Then one hand from below them pushed them up, then the other, throwing them- her- onto her knees.
He paused to take in the sight.
Her hair was the color of oak wood, wavy and supple and her hands were lithe and gentle, eyes comparable to caramel and molten sugar.
The lace shirt she wore was perfectly form fitting and her jeans were too.
He felt a bit self conscious for a second, adjusting his jacket.
His heart stopped and he could've sworn his knees literally turned to jelly.
She looked in his direction expectantly, cocking her head ever so gently to the right.
Matthew immediately snapped out of his trance, offering her a carefully outstretched hand.
She took it delicately, her small hand fitting perfectly in his when he helped pull her to her feet.
She looked him in the eyes and he felt himself shatter when she pulled away.
"I'm so sorry about the trouble." She said calmly, extending her wings to full length and observing them both meticulously.
She found a few larger feathers missing.
"Ah, that would be the reason I've crash landed in your little grass patch."
She brushed some blades of grass off her shirt and shot a warm smile in his direction. Warm enough, in fact, to melt him into a pile of mush.
"My name is Stephanie. And I am an angel, yes, since you're wondering. But it appears I'm trapped here for the time being. You don't mind, do you? If you prefer I could stay elsewhe-"
"N-no! Stay... Here. Please?" He stumbled. "I'm Matthew. And it's an honor to meet you, Miss."
Her smile grew impossibly wider.
"Oh, you really are sweet."
Her wings flapped in happiness, leaving him with a pleasant breeze that smelled something of earl grey tea and warmth and winter nights.
He could feel his cheeks flush and he realized:
He had made a mistake.

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