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She's cute.
No, really, she's very cute. The way her hair is framing her face and the lighting coming through the window making her glow as she scribbles down a few words on her notebook makes him melt.
She hums along to a song playing on her phone and flips the page of her textbook, fiddling with her pen all the while.
Matthew realizes he's been blocking the entrance of the library for a bit too long while he admired her, quickly stepping out of the way in apology.
There's a groan from behind him as someone finally gets to enter but Matthew isn't too sure he cares.
She stretches her arms now, a soft smile hitting her face before going back to her book on... Chemistry, it looks like.
Well, he thinks, that's no surprise.
He hides behind a shelf and slides out a book as a little peephole and of course this isn't stalking. He's just trying to get a better look at the face he loves so much.
She turns to look out the window at the concrete jungle, but she doesn't seem to mind as she takes out her camera and snaps a quick picture of the sunset, the golden rays captured in a picture to be kept for however long it will take before the file corrupts or she forgets to back up her laptop and it gets stolen.
That's a dramatic and pessimistic way to put it, he scolds himself, accidentally sliding a book forward and it falls on the ground.
The noise catches her attention and she looks in his direction, catching but a glimpse of his forehead as he ducks.
She looks a bit longer before shrugging her shoulders and going straight back to her work.
The librarian switches on the lights as the peak of the sunset, the golden hour, is over and the night sky is begging to be set free. He sees the moon over the horizon.
She puts down her pen and closes her notebook with a rather satisfied sigh.
He turns to leave but his footsteps fall a bit too heavy and she turns in his direction.
"...Matthew? Is that you?"
He straightens his back and sheepishly shakes his head, turning over his shoulder to look her in the eye.
"Yes, Stephanie. How are you, love?"
She giggles and stands up to walk over to him, looking up at him and clutching her books and things in her hands.
"Well, I'm fine, but how long have you been watching?"
"Not too long, I assure you." He smiles, taking her things from her as a favor.
"Mmhm. Not likely." She shakes her head.
"Blame me for thinking you're beautiful. I dare you. Double dare you."
He leans down to kiss her and laughs because it's ridiculous how much he loves her and her smile and he can't believe he was lucky enough to have her.
She steps back.
"Consider yourself blamed."
He rolls his eyes.
"Let's get back to your dorm, Steph."

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