Her Fan [AU]

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A/N: I love Stephanie. I really do.

The first glimpse Matthew caught of her was from a building quite a bit away.
No surprise that she didn't want to be seen near him.
He recognized her, of course. She was all over the news, almost as much as he was.
Being a spy hunting down an assassin was a fun job, especially since this particular assassin had a sort of charm to her.
Her eyes darted upwards towards him from at least 10 feet away and he felt his blood freeze over.
Something about her heartless eyes made his heart stop and his knees weak and he knew it was wrong but he couldn't help but feel that way.
They were laced with malice and murder and somehow so warm and so icy cold at the same time.
Killing this one wasn't going to be fun.
The second time he chanced her by was minutes later as he walked in an alleyway near the building he had caught her in.
She held a cup of tea in one hand and a fan in the other, her dress white and lacy and just above her knees, swaying lightly in the gentle breeze. Her hair was down and wavy, rather appealing actually. She walked on by without seeing him, it seemed.
He couldn't hide the amusement on his face that such a petite woman had brutally taken the lives of so many people.
He began walking towards her, an easy arrest, he thought, but then she whipped her head to the side and her eyes snapped upwards.
God, those eyes. He almost wished she wasn't so attractive. He should try chasing after old hags sometime.
She began walking towards him, twirling her fan neatly in her hand.
His training told him to stand his ground, but the confidence with which she walked made him think otherwise, and without knowing she had backed him into a corner where nobody could possibly see them.
He was doomed.
When she had positioned herself about 3 feet away from him, she leaned inwards.
"Hmm, Matthew Patrick? I've seen you on the television."
"You have one?" He quirked an eyebrow.
"No, of course not." She scoffed.
"I find my way into bars. I don't look that young, do I?"
"Well, no." He admitted.
He heard a car hum down the road and shook his head. Metal machines of death, he always thought. Soon enough the engine was replaced by the footsteps of pedestrians and he breathed in relief.
"So, I take it you're here to kill me?" She asked, her grip on her fan tightening.
He realized how odd it was to have a fan around now and grew suspicious.
He tilted his hat down and sheltered his eyes so they didn't have to meet hers every time he spoke.
"I had thought that perhaps I could arrest you instead, Stephanie."
She laughed and it was music to his ears.
"That's sweet darlin'. But you've made the wrong decision."
She opened her fan sharply and he saw the smallest glint of metal.
His eyes widened as he grabbed quickly the pistol on his belt, but as many times as he pulled the trigger, he couldn't seem to find it in himself to hit her. And she was rather good at dodging.
She stood a fair distance from him now and he thought it was over for her.
His thoughts were rather misleading.
She flicked her fan forward as sharply as possible and 3 little daggers flew at him, 2 landing squarely where his shirt met the wall and 1 barely grazing his neck.
She sauntered over to him with unnerving confidence, eyes narrowed threateningly.
"So, darlin'..." She hummed, running her finger across the side of her fan, which also seemed to be a sharp edge, a single, tiny drop of crimson blood sliding down the pristine wood and metal carvings.
"How about we make a bit of a truce? A deal, if you will..."
He couldn't believe he was really doing this.
"She got away?"
That was technically the truth.
"And you're sure you haven't seen her since?"
"I'm certain."
Well, no, that was a lie with no doubt about it. He had seen her. He saw her as she gave him a kiss in exchange for him keeping secret their meeting and letting her escape.
"Well, Matthew, I must say, I'm disappointed in you. I think this might be it for you in this profession."
The third time he had seen her was after his badge had been stripped from him and he was a jobless man walking back to his home.
He caught a glimpse of her in the shadows near his house, a shrewd smile playing on her pink tinted lips that he could still taste.
She winked at him and blew him a quick kiss, which he's still proud to say he caught, before slipping into the darkness of the night.
He never saw her again.

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