Play It Cool [AU]

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A/N: Thank you to @genderbend_girl123 for the suggestion!

Stephanie couldn't say this is what she expected when her friend dragged her out of her house to watch a play.
The conversation went something a bit like
"I'm heading out to that new play later. I have two meet and greet tickets. Want to come?"
"Thanks, but I'm super comfy right now and I don't have anything to wear."
"Just throw on a nice dress!! Besides, the lead actor is adorable. Most people would die to meet him."
"I am not 'most people'."
"He's cute and nice and humble and smart and just... I'm pretty sure I'll cry when I meet him."
"That's no surprise."
"Look, are you coming or not?"
"You're picking me up and paying for the whole thing?"
"Ugh, fine."
"I'll see you in an hour."
Needless to say, the performance was excellent and, Stephanie would have to give her friend some credit, the lead was indeed cute.
During intermission she flipped through the cast list with curiosity, trying to find his name.
Lead: Matthew Patrick
Nothing too out of the ordinary there, she thought as the lights went back down and the play started up again.
Somewhere in the middle of it, she couldn't quite remember, he looked in her direction and his eyes lit up like stars.
It gave her quite the start, actually, as an introvert, and she would have left if not for her friend holding her down with more excitement written on her face than she had ever seen in her life.
For the rest of the performance he seemed to speak his lines to her instead of the female lead.
"Hurry up Stephy! Your prince awaits!" Her friend hummed, dragging her to the designated meet and greet area where the cast was being swarmed with rabid fans.
She felt herself go weak at the knees when she saw him, the lead, standing in the center of a group of far too many people.
"Uh... I don't know. I'll sit this one out. You have fun."
She was met with an audible gasp and tangible disgust and upset.
"Stephanie Cordato, I didn't pay $100 for you to sit on my moment of glory. Or to squash your chances with Matthew Patrick."
"Chances??" She asked. "What chances???"
"Didn't you see how he looked at you?"
"Didn't you see the size of the stadium? He could have been looking at anyone."
Some people had caught on to their bickering and just in time too because Stephanie was suddenly shoved into the crowd and onto the floor in front of Matthew Patrick.
She was sprawled out on the carpeted ground (which was rather nice and plush, actually) and her head was spinning when she was offered a hand.
"Thank you, I'm sorry..." She murmured, standing up and holding her head in one hand but she looked up and her heart stopped because he must be even more beautiful up close where she could see the flecks of gold in his eyes and the worry etched in lines on his forehead.
"I... Uh..."
"Are you alright miss...?"
"Cordato. Uh, Stephanie I mean..."
She sputtered, looking at the ground.
"A fair name for a fairer maiden," he said smoothly, smiling at the thick blush that coated her face.
She heard a flash go off.
"Have you been a fan long? You know everything about me, don't you?" He joked.
"No.." She admitted, averting her eyes, but he pulled her face back to his and another flash went off and more and more people started pulling out their phones and somebody screamed.
"Perfect," he said softly. "Then I can show you everything about me."
When he kissed her there was a whirlwind of fear and confusion and love and amazement and she heard a thud because someone passed out.
The next morning she was all over the Internet.
Stephanie, you're everywhere
Yeah, I know
Any plans today?
No. Why?
Want to go out on a date?
Yeah, sure. :) Thanks Matthew.

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