Arguments and Apologies

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There is absolutely nothing worse than fighting with Matthew Patrick, Stephanie ponders, drumming her fingers on the table of the empty dining room. He's far too smart to be argued with and the anger in his eyes gets unbearable to the point that even she can't laugh it off.
Her face is still damp from tears because it's been so long since the last argument this bad, but she's managed to calm herself down, her breathing soft and relaxed, a far jump from the shudders in her chest earlier.
She can still hear his yelling in her ears telling her she should just leave, his words harsh and his rage being flung at her from his throat before his breath shook and he left the room, his footsteps heavy.
She recalls trying her best to shrug it off but even Skip ran away, tail flicking as he sprinted, for whatever reason she had no idea.
She had to remind herself that it was over because she could hear her husband bustling away in the kitchen.
His face was streaked with wet tears as well when he ran back into the room ten minutes later with words of sorrow, regret, apology spilling from his lips which were bleeding from biting them too hard.
He stayed a fair distance away to make sure he was forgiven before she smiled weakly through her tears and nodded and he tackled her in a hug, desperate. He muttered sweet words into her ear and she held him tighter than ever before because every fight brought them closer together.
He grabbed her hand and, still apologizing profusely, brought her to the dining room and sat her down at the table.
Her eyes trail down to her wedding ring, to her vows of eternal love, and she smiles again, knowing fully well that it means what it means.
His footsteps rush hurriedly into the room with a cup of tea carefully balanced on a teacup and a small plate of assorted types chocolate which he found in the fridge and as he bows playfully he pecks her on the cheek, rushing out again to go find the cat without caring if he gets bitten in the process because there's no overkill for an apology, especially with the things he said.
Stephanie sighs with a grin, knowing fully well that this was the best it will ever get.

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