A Letter for Romeo

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As the dark sky turned to bright
Here comes the broad daylight
Another morning to face
Another day to be amazed

I walked with the morning dew
Then suddenly I saw you
You're smiling looking at the view
While I smiled staring at you

You feel the weigh of my stare
So I averted my gaze to somewhere
Then I heard a loud laugh
And said, "You're caught in the act"

My eyes widened in shock
And my heart got starstrucked
Rhythm of heart went fast
I hope that it won't last

You approached me and said, "Hi."
I was shy so I bid goodbye
You suddenly grabbed my wrist
And said, "Stay for a while please."

I stayed and that's how our story started
But it was so painful when it ended

Your words tore my heart
As we're breaking apart
Your smile makes me feel so high
T'was before when we're still fine

You were once my Romeo and I was Juliet
But we're not Montague neither Capulet
Shakespeare can't make a machine for time
For he focused on words and how they rhyme

You turned your back upon saying lies
And papers won't turn into butterflies
It wasn't Ariel who ate the apple to die
Nor Goldilocks who just ate the apple pie

Because I already knew
That I will never be for you
For it was still the only Rosaline
And you were never really become mine

Now those memories are fading into light
And facing a future that is so bright
For I am currently walking in the church's aisle
Where at the end is the man that meant to be mine

Done: June 24, 2016

This was used for my assignment in Phil. Literature. This poem was inspired by my friend and crush, Chai. Thank you for being an inspiration! :)

When I recited it in front of the class, I got embarassed because they keep teasing me to a certain someone who they partnered me with. Hahaha

I hope that you liked this as a starting work in this compilation. Next time, I will also posts old poems, either it was in english or filipino. :)

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