Hard Core Training

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During these pass three weeks it's been crazy.
For starters my hair is now completely white/grey. And I love it, knowing that I have my hair like my dad. And he says I have my soft brown eyes like mom.
The book lady Tsunade gave me explains everything I need to know about Kibo so now I know many of her jutsus and abilities also how to use  her feather properly. Her feather is her life if she uses it to much she will die, so I need to protect her more than I use to. Even though she says that I already do.
Hinata already knows who I am and she accepts me and we became close girl friends. Shino became a close friend too who hears me out when I need it. Sauske isn't too bad himself he is pretty chill. And Kiba let's just say I've been avoiding him or just ignoring him to not fight. The only time I spent with him is when we train but i just remain quite.

Now to my training.
When my mom meant that crystal release is very difficult to learn she wasn't kidding.

Not only have I've been practicing with my team but also solo with my dad. He has been teaching to use my Crystal Release, Sharingan, and one of his special moves called Chidori. It's where I use lighting and concentrate it in one hand.
So far I got that handled and my Sharingan.
When it comes to my Crystal Release, I know how to make small weapons. Also some crystal jutsu that would come in handy in battle. But right now what I want to learn is the 3 dragon jutsu. It just seems so amazing.

Kurenai sensei also has been helping me in controlling more of my chakara since I tend to get inpatient very fast. Shino has been helping me to learn and circulate my chakara without wasting too much of it. Hinata teaches me how the chakara flows to at least know where I need it more.

I've also been training with my dad's team. Sauske is quite fast especially with his Sharingan, while Sakura has good thinking skills and excellent medical ninjutsu ability.  And Naruto has master many techniques, he has even matured a little from how he use to be. I'm proud of him.

Nothing can get better than this...

Okay Nikko has been ignoring me like every single time. She only has contact with me when we train. What the fuck. Ugh I am gonna go insane. Lately I can't get her out of my head. Those soft brown eyes. Her surprisingly natural white/grey hair. She is just so gorgeous-
Ugh?! What is happening with me.
I usually see her with Shino alot and it just drives me crazy.

I want to know who she really is, I want to see her face. Ever since she has gotten into our team she hasn't shown her face.

The only thing I know is that her name is Inutake Nikko and that she has a ninken partner name Kibo.

Why is she ignorning me...

"Thinking about her again I see.." said my sister Hana bringing me out of my thoughts.

"No?!" I said falling off my bed in the process.

"Sure.. well back to the reason why I'm here..Lady Tsunade has ask to go to her office. Your team is waiting for you at the training grounds" she said  while leaving.

Ugh I have to get up now.

"Come on Akamaru let's go before we are late" I said.

'For sure' he said. While I smiled and grabbed my ninja shoes while heading out the front door.

??? POV
"He has left to the leaf village and will bring you the girl like planned." Said my lord.

"Very well " I said. She will be mine, after all I was suppose to marry her since the begging by her grandfather when she turned 16 but since that old pig died when she was 15 she was able to escape.

But no matter what you still are mine Nikko Inuzuka.

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