The Lake

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The Lake that is close by and where Nikko went to.

An hour barely pass and I could hear Kiba sleeping soundly. I also noticed that his breathing his even. I still need 2 more hours till my shift for night look out.

Ugh and this stupid summer night isn't helping. I feel like taking a nice cold bath.

The Lake it's like 10 minutes from here I'll just tell Shino and our ninken partners where I would be.

I quickly get out and saw Shino by the fire place.

"I see you can't sleep" he said while poking the fire with a stick.

"Yeah it's the hot summer night. I am gonna go the Lake to freshen up. I'll be back before my shift." I said as I put on my ninja sandals.

"Okay I don't mind if you take long I am not much of a sleeper anyway." He said.

I simply nodded a headed off to the lake.

As I got there it was beautiful and peaceful.

I quickly take off my gear and clothes. I was debating whether or not to take off my bra and underwear. But at the end I did, it's night and I'm alone. So no one will look besides everyone at camp is asleep. I even took off my mask.

I folded all my clothes and put them on a rock as I quickly got in the cooling water.

I felt my skin refreshing in the hot summer night. I swim around and enjoy this peaceful and cool night.

After Nikko said goodnight, I just went to sleep. I didn't want to bug her anymore. Or push her on her mask situation. Though it's killing me.

I woke up after this stupid hot summer night.

Man why does it have to be so hot.

I turned to my side and noticed Nikko isn't here. Maybe it's her time of shift. But to make sure I'll just check up on her.

As I got out I put my ninja sandals and walked towards the fire pit to notice Shino there.

"I see that you notice Nikko absence" he said. While staring at the fire.

"Do you know where she went" I ask out of curiosity.

"Yes to the lake that's 10 minutes from here. It would be nice if you can call her. I think the sun will rise in 3-4 hours and I would like to get some rest before walking again." He said in his usual monotone voice.

"Hai" I said as I began walking to the lake.

I used my smell senses to guide me to the lake.

But not only did I smell the fresh water but sunflowers as well.


I followed the scent until...

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