Should I Trust Him...

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When Nikko came out running from the Hokage Office she seemed scared. She told me how she felt a bad vibe but didn't know where it came from. I felt the same way. Something fishy is up, especially from that prince. He wanted something from Nikko just by his eyes and how he stared at her says it all. I must protect her. It's not that I'm in love with her, I just see her as a very close friend that I don't want to loose. Also cause she is my teammate we must protect one another.

"Dad I'm going with Kibo to the Hidden Sunflowers , do you want to join" I asked him while sitting on a stool and him reading his pervy books in the living room.

"Hm no it's fine honey go head along maybe Naruto would like to join" he said.

I simply nodded and walked out. The only ones who know about the Hidden Sunflowers which my mother built is Dad, Naruto, and me. I kept it a secret to everyone else.

'Nikko you've been in quite a good mood lately' said Kibo.

"I have actually it's been peaceful, and I like it ever since I ignored Kiba and stop fighting with him I felt much better." I said. And it's true. Since I don't talk to him he won't be able to call me names and such.

'True but don't you think you hurt his feelings. ' she said.

"He should of thought about that before judging me without knowing me." I said.

'Good point' she said.

Kibo always know my mood thanks to her special necklace. Apparently that necklace is given to her at birth. And by the time when she finds a perfect partner the necklace connects with them. So Kibo is able to know what I'm feeling when I'm with or without her.

After the walk we finally made it to our destination. I made my way inside the falling leaves that look like a door. To be greeted by the smell of fresh sunflowers.

Sunshine is needed to make sunflowers and sunflowers can bring happiness so everyone needs a little sunshine Nikko.

Those were the words my mother always told me and the reason why she named me Nikko meaning sunshine. I smiled as I lie down in the patch of grass surrounded by sunflowers under a tree. Peaceful ...

Ugh I can't find Kakashi sensei anywhere. Where to look ....

I've tried that one stand where they the pervy books.

Ichiraku Ramen

The weapon store

BBQ restaurant

The dumpling place

The training grounds

Where can he possibly be...

'How about his house Kiba' said Akamaru bringing me out of my thoughts .

I felt like an idiot. I nodded and ran towards his house. I must see Nikko before our mission. I don't know why but I must.

I made it to Kakashi sensei house and knocked a couple of times. When the door opened Kakashi had a smiling face.

"Did you forget something sweety" once he opened his eyes he noticed that it was me and then they became cold.

"Oh it's you, what is it Kiba" he said with a sigh and sad look.

I was in shock cause he said sweety what the fuck.

"Um Kakashi sensei ...who...were you expecting...and uh I need to talk to you" I said not knowing how to say it. Weird.

He simply walked inside while I followed.

"First of all I was expecting Nikko" he said while sitting down on the sofa.

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