3|| An Unexpected Visit

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Regina's eyes blinked open, and for a moment she was confused about where she was. It took a couple seconds for her to remember the events of the previous night. After they finished watching Beauty and the Beast, Belle had forced Regina to watch another sappy romance movie - one without Robin in it - and the two had drifted to sleep before the movie ended. Belle was still fast asleep, so Regina made sure she was careful when she stood up. She moved to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of cold water in order to wake up. Luckily, she didn't have to go into work today. But Belle had an ultrasound scheduled that Regina had promised to go to.

Once Regina had finished her water, she got dressed and began to brush through her hair, having nothing better to do until Belle woke up. But Belle needed her sleep, so Regina had decided not to wake her until closer to the time of the appointment.

Regina was halfway through brushing her hair out when there was a soft knock on the door. She frowned and set her hairbrush down on the table. Who would possibly be knocking on her door? The only person Regina could think of was Emma, but if the blonde was still anything like she used to be five years ago, she was never up before ten on a Saturday.

There was another knock, louder this time, and Regina figured she had better answer the door before whoever it was woke Belle. She opened the door, not sure what to expect. But whatever she was expecting, it was certainly not Zelena, Robin, and Zelena's boyfriend, Arthur. Regina's eyes widened and she said the first thing that came to mind; "What are you three doing here?"

Zelena frowned. "You responded to the text I sent. I told you Robin had auditioned and got a part in a movie being filmed in the States, so we were stopping by."

Regina looked back at Arthur and Robin, who were standing behind Zelena, unsure what they should do. Regina could tolerate Arthur at least, even though her mother always used him to make Regina feel bad about herself. That wasn't his fault, though.

But Robin. Robin Locksley. He was not allowed in her apartment, and he never would be. He was the reason Zelena had gone to England in the first place. Regina glared at him before pushing Zelena out of the doorway and following her out into the hall. Regina closed the door to apartment so they would have a smaller chance of waking up Belle.

"You cannot be here right now," Regina hissed. "Belle is asleep, and I have to go with her to an appointment in a few hours. And waking up to find that my sister, her boyfriend, and Robin freaking Locksley are in my apartment is not what she needs after yesterday. So I'm sorry, but I have other commitments today. Goodbye." Regina turned to re enter her apartment, but Zelena grabbed her arm.

"I told you we were coming two weeks ago! And I've tried to contact you since, but you never answer your phone."

Regina narrowed her eyes and with an emotionless voice, she replied, "Maybe you shouldn't have thrown away our friendship for a stupid job offer. I have a new friend now, and she needs me more than you do." Regina ripped her arm out of Zelena's grasp and stormed back into her apartment.

Zelena watched the door shut, unable to do anything. She felt like a little kid again, when Regina was the only person she had. Whenever the two got into arguments in their childhood, it never lasted long because they needed each other. But this grudge had been boiling inside of Regina for five years, and now neither of them were alone without the other.

Zelena handed Arthur the papers for their hotel rooms. "You and Robin go check in."

"How are you going to get to the hotel?"

"I'll figure something out. Or I'll just call you."

Arthur knew it was best not to argue with Zelena, at least when it came to her sister. He pressed a chaste kiss on her lips before he and Robin left for the hotel. Once they were gone, Zelena knocked on the door again, but this time, no one came.

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