C h a p t e r 4

301 13 0

*Hajime's POV*

You know, you'd think you know all the sides of someone, especially after knowing them for a long time. But every once in a while, they go from having their personality in fifths to sixths. Kazuichi can't just hate someone he doesn't know. That's not how the world is supposed to work.
But he does know him, doesn't he? After all, he is the one who brought Nagito up in the conversation. What happened between the two of them?

"Kazuichi, don't be so rude," Chiaki says, folding her arms on the tabletop. "Especially to someone who's forgiven us for forgetting him." I cringe at her words. She could have gone without adding the last sentence, but it's too late now.

"Forgiven or not, I don't like him," Kazuichi says, glaring at us. "I'm allowed to say what I want."

"Kazuichi, can we talk for a minute?" I ask. We stand up from the table and walk to the cafeteria's doors. When we're out in the hall, we stop and I turn to face him
"What the hell are you doing?" I ask.

Kazuichi shrugs and folds his arms. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Kazuichi, stop acting like a child and just answer."

He shrugs again. "Expressing my opinion."

"You shouldn't express something so blunt directly at the person's face. We're suppose to be nice to him."

"Oh shut up," he hisses. "It's not like I wanted you to bring him over to us. I even tried to stop you from bringing him over, but you want to be nice. My reputation is important to me Hajime, and I don't want him to ruin it."

The words pour out of his mouth like a black poison. They're words of evil. Words of popularity. They scare me. I've never know Kazuichi to be one who cares about what people think of him. Of course he wants people to like him. How could I have been so blind as to not notice that?

That doesn't mean I'm not angry at him.

"That's what this is all about?" I ask. "Your reputation? Nagito is a human being Kazuichi. We need to treat him like one."

"I don't want people to know I've been around him," he says. "I don't hang out with trash.


"But nothing!" He shouts. "I don't want my life to be ruined by a waste of space like him!"

With that, he storms off down the halls. I don't go after him. If I do, it will only make things worse for both of us.

"I'm surprised."

I jump and turn around to see Nagito standing behind me, his eyebrows raised and a confused look on his face.

"Nagito! H-How much did you hear?" I ask nervously.

"Let's not focus on that," he says. He gives me a weak smile, one that looks forced. "You think of me as a human being. Nobody's ever thought of me like that before."

"Well, it's true," I say. "You're not trash. You're a person, just like the rest of us. It's time you were actually treated like one."

I look Nagito up and down, and stop at his eyes. They look... happy. They sparkle brighter than any pair of eyes I've ever seen. They're like diamonds shining in the light. I suddenly feel a wave of sympathy wash over me. No, it drowns me. I feel bad for him. I have never met someone like him, and now I wish I had. I wish I could have been the friend he needed all those years.

His cheeks light up with a light shade of pink. "T-thank you Hajime," he says with a smile. This time, I can tell it's genuine. He's actually happy.

I smile back. "You're welcome Nagito."

He rocks on his toes, his hands clasped behind his back. "So..."

"We should head back to the others," I say. When I say the words, Nagito's face suddenly fills with anxiety. His smile vanishes into thin air and his eyes grow wide.

I put my hand on his shoulder. When I make contact with him, he seems to tense up, like he's afraid.

He doesn't think I'll hurt him, does he?

"You're fine," I say. "Don't worry about Kazuichi. Chiaki, Mikan, and I like you, and that's what matters. Kazuichi's gone at the moment. Don't be worried, alright?"

He stares at me for the longest time, and for a moment, I swear time has frozen. But finally, he smiles.

"Okay," he says. He takes a breath and nods. "Okay."

I lead him back to the table where Chiaki and Mikan are waiting for us with worried faces.

"Where's Kazuichi?" Chiaki asks.

"He went off," I reply, sitting down. Nagito doesn't sit. He stands, rocking on his toes. "He just needs to clear his head. I'm sure he'll be fine."

"What was he so mad about?" Mikan asks. I glance at Nagito, who hangs his head, staring at the tiles on the floor.

"Maybe I should just go," he says, turning to leave. Quickly, I reach out and grab him by the wrist tightly.

"Oh no you don't," I say, a serious look on my face.

His face drops into terror, eyes wide and skin pale.

"I-I'm sorry!" He says, his voice wavering with fear. "Please don't hurt me Hajime!" He tries to pull away, and I raise an eyebrow. Finally I realize what I'm doing.

"Oh, I... Nagito, I'm so sorry." I let go of him. He retracts his wrist and stares at me with sad eyes

"I didn't mean to come off so aggressive," I say. "I'm sorry I scared you. Just...please don't leave. I was..." I sigh. "I'm sorry. Please stay here with us. Don't leave."

He looks down at his wrist, then back up at me. Eventually he nods slowly and sits down next to me, allowing me to let out the nervousness breath I've been holding.

Nagito sighs. "I need a crash course," he says.

Chiaki raises an eyebrow. "Crash course on what?"

He chuckles. "On how to be a friend, of course. You guys are a beautiful group of friends. How do I be like you?"



I think I need a life...my parents keep telling me that I need more of this mythical thing called 'sunlight'. Who's ever heard of something so silly? Hahaha. <- This is my silly laugh. I have levels.

Silly: hahaha
Weak: hahaha...haha...ha
Hysterical: HAHAHAHAHA

I think I have a problem...

{A Little More Hope} ~ KomaHinaWhere stories live. Discover now